20 Phentermine Weight Loss Tips from 20 Weight Loss Champs!

20 Phentermine Weight Loss Tips from 20 Weight Loss Champs!

There’s much medical information about phentermine weight loss, but what about phentermine weight loss tips from REAL phentermine users?

Sometimes, the best advice comes from other people who have gone through what you’re going through. So, we’ve compiled 20 phentermine weight loss tips from 20 people who achieved significant results with phentermine.

Their advice is motivational, uplifting, and, most importantly – genuinely helpful! Keep scrolling to read about how these impressive ‘phensters’ lost weight and changed their lives in the process.

Sarah: Lost 20 pounds

Phentermine Weight Loss Tips Sarah

“In order to be successful, you have to commit to the change. And you have to drink a ton of water.”

Dehydration and dry mouth are big problems with phentermine. Check out this helpful blog article to learn more about staying hydrated on phentermine!

Jasmine: Lost 40 pounds


“I keep my calories in check during the day, but I finish my days with a treat; I eat a mini ice cream cone every night. This has helped me keep on track while still feeling like I can enjoy myself. I make every bite count, and it helps me feel happy and satisfied.”

Jasmine lost an impressive 40 pounds in just two months with the help of phentermine!

She entirely made over her diet but still makes sure to stay mindful. Her key to success? Balance!

Barbara: Lost 50 pounds

Barbara phentermine weight loss tips

“I eat small meals for breakfast and dinner, and I enjoy a bigger lunch, still keeping it pretty healthy. I like having chicken or turkey breasts, salad, avocado, and a small scoop of sweet potatoes.”

Mayling: Lost 33 pounds

Phentermine Weight Loss Tips Mayling

“I’ve had stalls, but I never gave up on myself. Just continue to do your work every single day, and you’ll see results in no time.”

Mayling’s before picture was her wake-up call that something needed to change. After losing weight, she loves having more energy, stamina & self-control, plus being able to wear smaller clothes!

Her advice for people just starting phentermine is: “First decide why you want to embark on this lifestyle change, [and then] just continue every day..”

Jaime: Lost 50 pounds

Jaime before and after

“Accepting that I could no longer binge on sweets was so hard for me. I had to face a lot of negative pieces of myself to be successful. Food could no longer be my solution for feeling better! My advice to others is to try to stay positive and keep pushing towards the end goal.”

Jaime was sick of hating the way she looked and battling constant pain – both mental and physical. Losing weight has helped her keep up with her husband and children. Her favorite workout is dancing(!), which she does 3x per week.

Amanda: Lost 20 pounds

Phentermine Weight Loss Tips Amanda

“I’m so ready to rebuild my self-esteem after gaining 75 pounds in a period of 5 years. Losing 20 pounds has been a breath of fresh air for me. Keeping a food journal, healthy eating, and committing to a fitness routine has been the biggest lessons that I’ve learned this past few months.”

Shelly: Lost 68 pounds

Phentermine Weight Loss Tips Shelly

“Advice would come from the fact that I had lost over 30 pounds and I could not see a bit of it because of looking in the mirror daily it just didn’t seem believable. So I went and purchased 3 different scales, thinking one of them or all of them had been broken. Weekly body measurements are what’s most important, not necessarily the weight number on the scale. I have weekly measured since day one and total body inches lost exceeds 40.”

When Shelly’s doctor suggested gastric bypass, she opted to try phentermine first.

Shelly had to schedule meals to ensure she ate enough while taking phentermine, but now she’s not taking 20+ pills a day (for various ailments) and has more self-confidence!

Daisy: Lost 30 pounds

Phentermine Weight Loss Tips Daisy.

“It’s important to remember that weight loss comes in stalls and wooshes. You may think that you’ve stalled, but then woosh! The pounds start dropping again.”

Shelby: Lost 87 pounds

Phentermine Weight Loss Tips Shelby

“As far as advice goes, all I can really say is, don’t give up. Phentermine does its job, but you have to do yours as well. It’s not a miracle pill, but if you try to get started, phentermine will do the rest.”

Shelby is a student who decided she had to do something when the scale tipped 200 pounds. This quote says it all about her weight loss journey, “I’ve learned to love myself inside and out, and my health is much better. Knowing I’m at a healthy weight and not worrying if I’ll be around to see age 50 is a wonderful feeling to finally have.”

Carissa: Lost 59 pounds

Phentermine Weight Loss Tips Carisa

“I love my new body, it took me 6 months to lose 59 pounds and my biggest weight loss secret is that I walked every day for 6 months and let me tell you that changed the way that I slept, the way that I ate, everything.”

Melissa: Lost 35 pounds

Phentermine Weight Loss Tips Melissa

“Most people make multiple huge changes all at once, and they end up failing. Make 1 or 2 small changes at a time. For example: increase your water intake and cut portion sizes. Do this for a month or two, then add 1 or 2 more changes. In my experience, when I change everything all at once, I give up extremely quickly. Since trying things with a different approach, I have had great results.”

Melissa struggled to give up energy drinks and soda, but she knew she had to get healthy for her 5-year-old girl.

After losing weight, Melissa only needs a very low dose of blood pressure medication!

Anna: Lost 40 pounds

Phentermine Weight Loss Tips Anna

“I knew I had to change my lifestyle when every little task was exhausting for me. Just take the first step in the right direction. Dedication and hard work will pay off; I promise you that.”

Anna prioritizes her workout by going straight to the gym right after she drops her girls off at school. She says that feeling more confident and energized since losing weight has been amazing!

Wendy: Lost 20 pounds

Phentermine Weight Loss Tips Wendy

“Every day, I make sure I’m doing my best, and I make sure my daily routine is filled with healthy habits, from having multiple small and balanced meals to working out at least twice a day. These are the keys to my success with phentermine!”

Stevie: Lost 48 pounds

Stevie before and after

“Be prepared, get the information, talk to your doctor. Look up the side effects. Also, be ready to take breaks – it’s good for you, and it helps the pill be more effective.”

Stevie was skinny as a teenager, but she gained a lot of weight due to postpartum depression. She advocates for people to do their research before taking phentermine: talk to your doctor, look up side effects, and be ready to take breaks.

Kayla: Lost 29 pounds

Phentermine Weight Loss Tips Kayla

“I can honestly say that phentermine has definitely changed my life for the better and has helped me soooo much! I am 29 pounds down now, and my ankle (previously broken) is feeling better and better the more weight that I lose! Now I’m walking a mile every other night with my ankle and plan to start a workout routine very soon! Also, I plan to follow my dream of becoming a personal trainer!”

Raelene: Lost 29 pounds

Phentermine Weight Loss Tips Raelene

“Educate yourself about the food you’re putting into your body and the supplements that can help with your journey. I added a couple of new supplements based on what I learned from other people in the Phentermine.com group and only after reading about the benefits and risks of those supplements. Lastly, carry a water bottle with you everywhere to be sure you are getting plenty of it throughout the day!”

Raelene likes to start her day with something sweet, so she goes for plain yogurt and fresh berries most mornings. Her favorite part about losing so much weight? She says, “I love the way clothes fit me now and knowing that I can actually buy something off the rack.”

Shreyll: Lost 31 pounds

Shreyll Phentermine Tips

“Think about how every meal is going to make you feel after you finish it, Good or bad? Satisfied or sick? Healthy or unhealthy? I try my very best every day, and here I am, 31 pounds lighter.”

Chrissy: Lost 50 pounds

Phentermine Weight Loss Tips Chrissy

“Work on it one day at a time. Take your pills and listen to your body. If you’re not hungry, don’t eat as much. My doctor explained to me that I have enough calories in me that skipping a meal here or there won’t hurt me. Also, take before and after pictures. You see your body everyday so it gets hard to judge. Take measurements as well even if you’re not losing weight on the scale doesn’t mean you’re not losing inches! Inches are what you want to lose. And ask questions… the phentermine support group on Facebook has been a big help. If you don’t know – ask! Everyone is here to see you succeed.”

Chrissy is a university student who works full-time and just recently got married. She has a lot on her plate, but she managed to balance it all and lose weight with phentermine just in time for her wedding!

Elyssa: Lost 79 pounds

Phentermine Weight Loss Tips Ely

“DRINK WATER! Surround yourself with people who lift you up and motivate you to be better with your journey. Even if you slip up one day, it’s not the end of the world. Brush yourself off and start fresh. Last but not least, be kind to yourself.”

Sabrina: Lost 50 pounds

Phentermine Weight Loss Tips Sabrina

“Always stay focused on your goals. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t get the results you were hoping for right away. This is a very special journey that will require determination and self-discipline. You got this!!”

Sabrina decided to take control of her weight and health after a doctor told her she would need cortisone shots for hip pain if she couldn’t slim down. Her goal is to be in the best shape of her life by the time she turns 50!

What do you think? Will you use these phentermine weight loss tips, or do you have any tips of your own to share? Let us know in the comments section below!

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