Controlling Cravings While Taking Phentermine
Cravings are one of the most difficult things to control while you are on your weight loss journey.
You may start with good intentions, but often when the clock strikes 3:30 pm or when you’re relaxing after dinner, you will find yourself craving some of your old favorites and unable to think of much else.
Phentermine will help keep these cravings in check, but often emotions, old habits, and bad planning can leave you feeling the need to reach for the chips, ice cream, or soda.
Here we identify some successful ways to help you control your cravings and stop them from controlling you.
Identify Cravings
There are actually four types of hunger, so knowing which one you are dealing with makes it easier to set up a plan of attack.
It is a good idea to note when you get these cravings, such as towards the end of the day when the effects of the phentermine start to reduce, as well as where you are and what you’re doing when they strike.
Remember that different cravings fall into different categories and therefore require different methods to manage them.
1. Physical Hunger
This type of hunger relates to the stomach, and it is a very real hunger with the potential to result in dizziness, nausea, and bad snacking if left unsatisfied.
The way to avoid this type of hunger is to plan your meals and eat a good balance of protein, fiber, fruit, and vegetables throughout the day.
Phentermine will help to suppress your appetite, but you should also plan ahead with some healthy, nutritious snacks so that you don’t come to your main meal starving and in danger of over-eating.
2. Emotional Hunger
This type of hunger relates to your heart and is at its worse when you’re feeling bored, stressed, anxious, angry, or sad.
If your cravings linger after you’ve eaten, then they may be emotionally based.
Distracting yourself can work well here; cravings usually take about 20 minutes to subside, so try calling a friend or having a walk around the block.
If distraction doesn’t work, then it can help to identify the type of food you’re craving.
Linda Spangle, the author of 100 Days of Weight Loss, explains that if you’re craving something crunchy or chewy, then there’s a good chance you’re angry, anxious, or stressed, and suggests that you try asking yourself, ‘What do I want to chew on in life right now?’.
However, a yearning for something smooth or creamy points to an empty emotion, such as loneliness or sadness.
Ask yourself if food will give you what you need, and once you realize that eating won’t solve your problem, you need to focus on trying to solve the deeper issue.
3. Mental Hunger
This hunger takes the form of rationalizing why you should eat something, such as ‘I went for a run today so that I can have some chocolate now’ or ‘I’m joining the gym next week so that I can indulge this week.’
Instead, you should rationalize how you don’t want to let all that hard work go to waste with a bowl of ice cream.
Treats are fine, but it’s a mistake to use them as your sole reward for doing well; you should also reward yourself with non-food indulgences, such as a pedicure if you go to the gym for seven days in a row or a new pair of shoes if you lose 5 lbs.
4. Habit Hunger
This type of hunger relates to past experience; if you sit in the same chair at 8 pm and have some cookies, it’s common to feel like you need a cookie when you sit down and turn on the TV.
Your mind associates times, places, and activities with that desire, and, as any ex-smoker will tell you; it can be tough to break these habits.
Try shaking things up; instead of watching TV after dinner, have a bath or use the extra energy you feel with phentermine to go for a walk.
Then when you do sit down, have a cup of green tea or a piece of fruit. The best way to break an old habit is to exchange it for a new healthy habit.
Time your Indulgences

Prohibiting certain favorite foods can intensify cravings as you feel deprived, meaning you risk binging.
It’s fine to have the odd treat here and there, but the timing really matters. It is best to have your treat after a meal when you’re full, as then you’ll be less tempted to binge.
Using foods like chocolate to alleviate hunger can actually create a craving for that food; your brain thinks that candy hits the spot and remembers it the next time you’re hungry.
Savor the Flavor
Another way to overcome your cravings is to replace them with desires for healthy foods. It might seem impossible to imagine, but once you start eating fresh, healthy, and nutritious food, your tastes will begin to change.
You start craving cucumber rather than chips, and fresh strawberries will seem preferable to chocolate.
If you ever switched from full-fat milk to half-fat or skim, you will know how initially it didn’t taste as good, but now you can’t stand the taste of full-fat milk.
The same thing can happen concerning junk food; after eating fresh, healthy food for some time, people are often repelled by the thought of their former favorite burger and fries meal.
Years of eating foods high in fat, salt, and sugar dull your taste buds and create addictions, but by eating and enjoying the tastes of real foods, you can awaken your senses and create new cravings for healthy foods.
Always choose seasonal fruits and vegetables and add herbs and spices to your dishes to maximize the taste, and you will soon learn to savor the fresh flavors of healthy foods.
Cravings are one of the biggest hurdles facing those losing weight, but with phentermine’s hunger suppression, careful planning, and these tips on how to identify and suppress your cravings, you should feel more prepared to face them head-on.
We would love to hear your feedback on how you tackle your cravings or whether you have found your cravings changing over time; and if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us!
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