phentermine weight loss success

De-Stress For Phentermine Weight Loss Success

To achieve phentermine weight loss success, eating the right foods is crucial to shedding pounds and keeping them off. However, recent research indicates that learning techniques to manage stress can also help you to lose weight and that when it comes to weight loss success, what you eat may not be as important as what’s eating you.  Here, we explain how stress-management techniques could help you on your weight loss journey with Phentermine and how to de-stress your life for the best results.

Stress Management & Weight Loss

In a 2014 study by The University of Kentucky, researchers divided participants into two groups. The first group was instructed on intuitive eating techniques, such as learning to savor food and only eating when hungry, and the second group was taught tactics for managing stress. After seven weeks, the first group did not lose a significant amount of weight. However, the dieters who learned stress-management techniques lost as much as 17 pounds. Kelly Webber, one of the researchers, suggested that the success of the second group may be due to stress management, which addresses the underlying reasons why people gain weight. Many people turn to food as an emotional reaction to situations, and many unhealthy food cravings are often a stress response.

Furthermore, stress is an enemy of weight loss success; stress increases our cortisol levels, which then causes us to gain fat, particularly around the belly, which is the most dangerous place to carry excess fat. Cortisol breaks down lean muscle (the tissue that helps burn calories more efficiently). It holds onto fat stores in the abdominal region, so the stress caused by dieting can hurt your attempts to lose weight, even with calorie restriction. Stress also disrupts sleep patterns, which can, in turn, cause an increase in the hormone ghrelin (which triggers hunger) and a decrease in leptin (which helps you feel full). Therefore, techniques to manage stress should help you to achieve phentermine weight loss success by managing side effects such as insomnia while also providing ways to resolve problems and deal with stress without resorting to eating unhealthy foods.

Stress-Management Techniques For Phentermine Weight Loss Success

Using techniques to manage stress, you’ll feel better from the inside out, which shows in your weight loss results with Phentermine. Here are ten scientifically proven ways to manage stress:

1. Take Time To Relax And Reflect

Successfully losing weight doesn’t require you to be constantly on the go; your health and well-being need to take time out each day and enjoy peace. It doesn’t have to be hours, nor do you have to create a special environment or sit cross-legged – switch off the TV, sit on the couch for 15 minutes after the kids have gone to bed, and take a moment to relax and reflect. Between all the things you have to do each day, it can be so easy to lose yourself. Taking time out after a busy day helps you take a step back for a moment and put your needs first. Focusing on yourself helps you to achieve your weight loss goals, as self-care and weight management have been proven to be inextricably linked.

2. Get Crafty

Repetitive motions, like the fine motor skills it takes to knit, make jewelry, or cross-stitch, can soothe anxiety and help you to center yourself within a task. These kinds of hobbies fulfill the criteria of mindfulness practice and help you to passively set aside intruding thoughts as you return to the repetition. Moreover, while you’re distressed with these activities, you’ll also take your mind off food and avoid getting bored and mindlessly snacking in front of the TV.

3. Feed Your Body What It Wants

You may think your body wants candy or chips, but the problem is that we’re not very good at understanding what our bodies tell us. For example, when you’re craving chocolate, your body is likely low on magnesium, but rather than reaching for a candy bar, you should feed your body brown rice, leafy greens, and pumpkin seeds, as these are all better sources of this crucial nutrient.

4. Step Away From The Screen

Uninterrupted computer use has been associated with stress, lost sleep, and depression, according to a study from the University of Gothenburg, Sweden. Make sure to take frequent breaks during your day of computer use, and try to shut offline at least an hour before bedtime for a good night’s sleep.

phentermine weight loss success

5. Go For A Walk

Walking isn’t just a great exercise that anyone can do anywhere and anytime; it also helps reduce stress and boosts energy. While just about any walk will help to clear your head and boost endorphins – which, in turn, reduces stress hormones, walking in a park or other green space can put your body into a state of meditation, as this puts us in a state of concentration but also allows for reflection.

A quick walk also helps you overcome tiredness, often leading to afternoon snacking. And yes, walking works better than a sugar hit; a classic study by California State University compared the energizing effects on 18 people over 12 days who ate a candy bar or went for a brisk 10-minute walk. Walking was the clear winner; it increased energy levels for two hours, while the sugary snack initially boosted energy but left participants more tired and with less energy one hour later.

6. Listen To Music

While classical music has a particularly soothing effect on your body – it slows heart rate, lowers blood pressure, and even decreases levels of stress hormones – any music that you love will flood your brain with feel-good neurochemicals like dopamine. So put on your favorite tunes on the way home and feel the work day melt away!

7. Take A Deep Breath

Deep breathing is one of the best ways to lower stress in the body, as by allowing yourself to breathe deeply, you mimic how your body feels when you’re already relaxed. That’s good news since it’s an exercise you can perform anywhere, even at your desk. Interestingly, breathing exercises have been proven in clinical research to aid some of the systems harmed by stress, even helping to reduce blood pressure. This is useful for those taking phentermine as an increase in blood pressure is a side effect of phentermine.

8. Get Your Vitamins

Losing weight can be physically and emotionally draining, and with the added stress of phentermine side effects, losing weight with phentermine can leave you feeling worse, so you must be giving your body all the help it needs to succeed. Obtaining sufficient amounts of the many different nutrients we need each day to be healthy and help our bodies function at their best can be very tough, especially when we’re pushed for time, and buying fresh produce for meals that provide these nutrients isn’t always possible. This is why it’s a great idea to incorporate weight loss multivitamins into your daily routine. You can be at your best for whatever comes along and have all your vitamins and minerals ticked off before you’ve even had breakfast!

9. Buy Yourself A Plant

Houseplants aren’t just for decoration – researchers at Washington State University found that simply entering a room with plants reduced the blood pressure of a group of stressed-out participants by four points, twice as much as participants who entered the same room without the plants.

10. Hand-write A To-Do List

The best time to do this is probably before bed, as you’ll go to sleep with a clear idea of exactly what you’re going to do tomorrow without the chance of forgetting something important amid the morning rush. Having your daily tasks written down helps keep you focused and allows you to prioritize the most important things while saving you time and stopping you from feeling overwhelmed and stressed. Furthermore, when you can tick off your completed tasks, you’ll feel a sense of accomplishment and positivity that will boost your motivation in other areas of your life, including your weight loss journey. And, handwriting it means it’ll be kept away from the stresses and screens of the internet, plus studies show that when we write by hand and connect the letters manually, we engage the brain more actively in the process. For this reason, you should also keep a written journal detailing your daily food intake, the successes you’ve achieved, and the feelings you’ve experienced; engaging your brain with these details will help you connect better with your ultimate goal.

Do you suffer from stress? Let us know if these techniques help you to manage your stress levels by commenting below.

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