How To Lose Weight Fast With Phentermine
As the leading prescription diet pill in the US, phentermine is the key to rapid weight loss. But, to get the most out of your prescription, it’s crucial to know what you need to do to lose weight fast with phentermine. Here, we have a four-point guide for you to help you achieve the weight loss results you want with Phentermine! If you’re in a hurry, you can also find our guide summarized in the infographic below.
1. Drink Water
One surefire way to lose weight fast with phentermine is to drink lots of water. Drinking water helps weight loss by ensuring that your body is working at its peak, as water is needed for all bodily functions, including boosting your metabolism and helping you to burn fat. In addition, it can sometimes be difficult for our brains to know if we are hungry or just thirsty, so it’s often a good idea to have some water and check that you’re not a little dehydrated rather than hungry, especially in hot weather. Drinking water fills you up, so your appetite is satisfied without the calories. You should drink water continuously throughout the day, but one great tip is to have a glass around 20 minutes before a meal so that your stomach can recognize the feeling of fullness, and you should then see yourself eating less at mealtimes.
Drinking lots of water also helps you lose weight; often, in the first week of taking phentermine, users see rapid weight loss as a direct result of drinking water. If your diet is high in sodium or you don’t drink enough water, your body holds onto the water that it has to hydrate the body, meaning higher numbers on the scale. Once your body gets used to having a constant supply of water, it realizes it no longer has to conserve water and lets go of the water it was holding onto. So, your body will thank you for drinking lots of water, and so will your scale!
Water also helps to relieve dry mouth, the most common phentermine side effect. However, water isn’t enough to solve the problem of dry mouth, which is a lack of saliva. To learn about how to cope with dry mouth on phentermine, check out these two informative blog posts:
2. Eat The Right Foods
Although phentermine suppresses appetite, it’s crucial to remember that you need to eat to lose weight. The exact amount depends on your start weight, age, height, and sex, but you should never eat over 1,200 calories per day – your doctor can advise you on your target daily calorie allowance for a more personalized figure. If you consume any less than 1,200 calories per day, your metabolism will slow down, meaning that your body will begin to hold onto fat as fuel rather than burning it. To lose weight fast, you need to keep your metabolism running smoothly with healthy meals and healthy snacks throughout the day. These meals and snacks should incorporate healthy-filling foods with plenty of fiber, protein, healthy fats, fruit, and vegetables, which will all keep your body working to burn fat, build muscle, reduce inflammation, and lose weight fast with phentermine.

Many of these healthy foods also have the bonus of maximizing the effects of phentermine by helping the active ingredients to last longer in your body, making it all the more possible for you to lose weight fast with phentermine. This is because these foods make your urinary pH more alkaline, which causes phentermine to be excreted at a slower rate, therefore helping you benefit from the effects of added energy and appetite suppression for longer throughout the day. In contrast, foods high in preservatives, saturated fat, salt, and sugar, such as ready meals, diet soda, alcohol, butter, and ice cream, cause your body to expel phentermine quicker as they make your urinary pH more acidic, so avoid these foods to lose weight fast with phentermine!
However, if phentermine isn’t suppressing your appetite as much as you’d hoped, then these tips on how to suppress your appetite will offer you some great ways to beat your hunger.
3. Combine Cardio And Weight-Bearing Exercise
Although eating healthily and taking phentermine will make the pounds come off, it is the winning combination of phentermine, diet, and exercise that can help you to lose weight fast with phentermine and target weight loss in problem areas, too. And, while we would encourage you to find an exercise you love, incorporating cardio and weight-bearing exercises into your regime is the key to rapid weight loss with phentermine. Cardio, such as cycling, running, aerobics, or dancing, helps you to burn fat and gets your heart rate up to boost metabolism, and weight-bearing exercises, such as toning exercises and lifting weights, will help to tone your body and build lean muscle. This lean muscle will contribute to calorie burn and help boost your metabolism even when resting, helping you lose weight fast with phentermine. The best bit is that you only need to do weight-bearing exercises for around 10-15 minutes three times a week to build muscle and see a difference!
4. Establish A Healthy Lifestyle
All too often, a healthy lifestyle is the missing link between good results and great results with phentermine. To lose weight fast with phentermine, you also have to put your health first, which means getting enough sleep, remembering to relax and de-stress, and taking steps to reduce side effects – side effects which might otherwise make it hard to concentrate on healthy eating and exercise or might be enough to want to make you give up phentermine altogether.
Sleep is a great weight loss aid and helps reduce stress and the effects that stress can have on your waistline. Since insomnia is a common side effect of phentermine, you might feel the need to combine phentermine with other medications, such as sleeping tablets. Still, some of these can reduce the effectiveness of phentermine by increasing the acidity of your urinary pH. Instead, you should add a supplement with the serotonin pre-cursor 5-HTP. 5-HTP helps to regulate sleep and has also been found to increase the effectiveness of phentermine in clinical trials, so it will help you to lose weight fast with phentermine by both improving your sleeping patterns and adding to the effectiveness of your prescription. The benefits of 5-HTP don’t stop there either; it also boosts your mood, reducing other phentermine side effects such as anxiety and depression, and it helps to suppress appetite naturally, so you’ll continue to feel less hungry even when the effects of phentermine begin to reduce.
Supporting your healthy eating with a multivitamin also helps to provide all the essential nutrients your body needs to function at its peak and help you lose weight fast with phentermine, including magnesium, B12, chromium, vitamins A, C, and E, and biotin – many of which are lacking in our modern diets. So, by getting your vitamins, taking steps to de-stress, and ensuring you get plenty of sleep, you can help restore the balance, which will, in turn, help to shift those pounds even faster!
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Does anyone know what is the dosage for the Vitamin B12 to take with phentermine weekly??
very interesting article here. i really enjoyed reading this!
How many minutes of cardio, is recommended to help burn fat faster. I take phen 37.5 and met 500mg bid. And drinking 1.5 liters of water a day.
Hi Jeannette,
It depends on your fitness level but around 30 minutes to an hour each day is a good amount. Cardio can range from slower activities such as walking to more fast-paced activities such as boxing, running and aerobics classes. It’s easy enough to complete around half an hour a day just by being more active within your daily life but the best results will come from combining different exercises. If you really want to step up the fat burning then HIIT (high intensity interval training) is often said to be the best method for doing this. Here is some general information about HIIT for you:
Hope that helps!
Hello my doctor started me on phentermine 37.5 ml – will caffeine pills interfere with the effects of the phentermine?
Hi Brendetta,
It’s always important to consult your doctor before combining medications and supplements, especially those that may interact. Small amounts of caffeine can be okay while taking phentermine, but be careful because too much can increase side effects and prove dangerous. Therefore, caffeine pills are generally discouraged. Nonetheless, please speak with your doctor before taking any additional pills, supplements, or medications with your phentermine.
Seriously???? Phentermine is a schedule 3 drug it’s basically an upper like speed, would you advise an addict to go ahead and take a little crack with their meth but not too much! No don’t take another stimulate with your stimulate!!!!
You should drink little caffeined beverages, lots of water, it tends to give most people dry mouth so use dry mouth mouth rinse also it causes insomnia constipation rapid heart rate and high blood pressure, after three months you should be taken off the medication to give your body time to adjust then see if it needs to be adjusted. Phentermine is also highly addictive so if you take it longer than 6 months make sure you give your body adjustments by not taking it for a month or two, also continuous over use can cause your body to get used to the medication and it will stop working.
Hi I’m christal, I just started taking Phentermine 4 days ago. My starting weight was 192 which was taken Monday and yesterday I weighed myself and I weighed 186 so I’ve lost 6lbs in 4 days. I like the results I’m getting but I’m not liking the way they are making me feel – I keep feeling nauseous and dizzy and even a little depressed so I’ll probably stop taking them.
Hi Christal,
The first few days on phentermine are often the most severe, but these do start to wear off. It might be a good idea to take a half dosage for the next few days and see how you feel, then build up to a full dosage. Often people find that this helps them avoid the worst of the side effects.
Informative article, thanks for sharing!
Nice fast weight loss diet tips.
very good tips
really pleased with the article. thanks!
I’ve been taking Phentermine since 12/31/15. This is my second time. The first was in 2009 and I lost 60lbs. This time though, I am so tired I can’t do anything but yawn all day. Generally I have a protein shake for breakfast, a protein bar for lunch and a protein and veggie dinner. I’ve lost 8lbs. I feel like a loser and am ready to give up.
Hi Amy,
While 8lbs in about 5 or 6 weeks isn’t a very fast rate, you’re still going in the right direction. We think that your diet could be better, as it sounds like you’re not eating enough, especially if you’re exercising (which you should be to boost weight loss and keep it off long-term). You need more than a protein shake to start the day – a combination of slow-release carbs, protein and fast-release carbs such as whole grain toast with eggs and a banana, or oatmeal with raspberries are great. Here are some more breakfast ideas for you: And for lunch a protein bar is nowhere near enough, here are some great lunch ideas for you:, and all of these are possible to eat at work or if you don’t have much time. Here are some other tips to explain why you might not be losing weight on phentermine:
Hope that helps!
It’s amazing I do the gym and taking phentermine for 2 months and I lost 15lbs… Do so every other day hard cardio on the treadmill for 60 mins… Burning up to 900 cals… Than so light abs and legs toning… The next day it’s upper cardio with weights and I push harder each time…. And do a brisk walk for 30 mins after I am done… Drink lots Water water water!!! It does help a lot… And I love each and everyday I go cause I know i am that closer to my goals… And you have to have a mind set that staying Healthier for the long term… You have to stay loyal to you and respect yourself to build confidence.. By doing that is doing what your afraid of good luck to those who are still trying.. Never give up cause you will be successful =)
Well done Chrystina! Sounds like you’re doing great, keep up the good work!!
Wow chrystina that’s awesome – I luv how u put it about your workout plan I truly agree with you that is what I am doing as well every other day gym and yes water water water your best friend I also and taking phentermine and since Dec 04 2015 till now I have lost 21 pounds doing like u too plus working out really allows your body to work harder to drop those unwanted pounds thanks for sharing
Wow!! 60 minutes of cardio is impressive. I’ve been on the pills for two days now and I plan to start working out at least three/four days a week for two hours. I am hoping to lose about 25-40 pounds. I’ll add water to my routine as well as it seems that’s a great tip. Thanks for sharing!
Its Great – Amazing post
I have gone from 152 down to 136 in just 6 weeks with Phentermine. And that is with no lifestyle or diet changes…except much smaller portions because it does curb my appetite quite a bit. I drink a LOT of water. The dry mouth is a bit annoying, but it’s nothing compared to the results I get! It does make my heart race a little but the doctor checks my blood pressure regularly while on it and so far, no issues. I have about 10 more pounds to lose to be at my “healthy weight” according to the doctor. (I am short so 152 is just way too much for my small bones to carry) I will only be allowed to take it until I am down to the target weight. Once I reach that goal, the doctor will no longer prescribe it for me. I am learning how to avoid cravings and how to eat smaller portions and that will carry on long after I reach my goal!
Hi Jennifer, i have the similar body type as you and same weight. I started taking half dose pills for 4 days now and it has curbed my appetite just a little. By when did you start seeing the weight come off? My doctor says i can start taking the entire 30mg pill on the 7th day. I am hoping by then i have gone down at least 2 lbs. I live a pretty healthy lifestyle (exercise 5 days/week and eat home cooked meals of protein, veggies and carbs) but my snacking is what has me in the cycle. I am currently 153lbs.
With phentermine I have lost so far 43 pounds from May 2015. My goal is to lose an additional 60 by December.
That’s Awesome! I Just Started Taking It Today. Im Excited!
I have lost 105 pounds with phentermine since October 17th, 2014. I absolutely love what it’s done for me and I can’t wait to reach my goal of losing another 60 lbs!
Megan where did you purchase it and how many did you take a day?
Did you get them online? If you got them prescribed did you have to go to a weight loss clinic or or primary care? Thanks so much:)
You go to your primary care doctor and tell them you want help losing weight and you have heard phentermine or adipex works and you want to try it. They will give you a blood test to make sure you are healthy and it’s like $30.00 for a months supply. I have to take drug test now when I pick my prescription up.
Can You Please share a few tips on u did to help you achieve your current weight loss number?!?
I drank only water all through out Day and 64 oz before bed I lost 150 lb in 7 months I didn’t exercise at all I noticed in 3.5 wks I lost 28 lbs first weigh in don’t weigh yourself I went from size 22 to a 6-8 you see it first in face and collarbone arms your waist look in mirror with back to it I took pictures Dailey to see I still have hard time buying cloths because I still see my self as a bbw my doctor says it takes time it’s weird going from 2x shirts and 22 pants to small and 6-8 My feet even shrunk went from a 9-10 shoe to a 7-8 The only meat I eat is baked or broiled chicken and I ate salad 4 days a wk spinach with sunflower seeds Mexican cheese artichoke chicken and garlic powder with very lil Olive Garden Italian dressing enough to cover it though I’d say maybe 2.5 oz Some days I wasn’t hungry because I drank so much water if you can exercise it will go quicker I couldn’t because was in car accident i got my exercise cleaning the house good luck on your journey
How long did it take to notice weight loss?
Can you share what you eat? I just started and the eating is the hard part.
My wife and I are trying to lose weight naturally; no grains, no sugar, and no processed food. Sometimes it is hard thou. We also exercise cardio and weight resistance. You write there a few sides effects of the prescription pill such as insomnia, anxiety and depression, Are there any others? Thanks.
Hey Jaybo!
Yes there are quite a few side effects related to phentermine, some more common that others. You can read about them all here:
Tammy, this is a prescription pill, the ones you purchase online are not the same. I am currently taking this and have lost 23#. Each pharmacy will vary on price but I pay less then 20/month.
I’ve lost 150 lbs in 7 months I took it at 7 am every morning then I cleaned house drinking tons of water all day is the key I didn’t really have much lose skin just on arms I went from size 22 to a 6-8 depends on brand if a 8 after my first 60 lb o took pill every other day.
Wow this is very good. What i do is lose weight fast too with my own methods but everyone know what works best.
How much is this pill,that helps u loose weight.
Hey Tammy, which pill are you talking about? Phentermine, or Phen Caps?
How can I get some pills?
Hi Melissa,
If you would like to get phentermine then you will need to see a doctor, as it is a prescription-only medication. Thi article explains more about the process of how to get a prescription: If you’re unable to get a prescription, however, then we recommend the phentermine alternative Phen Caps, which you can find out more about here:
Hope that helps!
Lost nothing been in 37.5 four minths
Hi Josie! We’re sorry to hear that phentermine isn’t working for you 🙁 Have you followed-up with your prescribing doctor? The most common recommendation is to stop taking phentermine if you have not seen any weight loss in this period of time. However, you should NEVER adjust your dosage/medications without first speaking to a physician. We would, therefore, recommend checking-in with your prescribing doctor about the lack of weight loss and asking what he/she suggests going forward. Best wishes!