How To Lose Weight Fast With Phentermine
As the leading prescription diet pill in the US, phentermine is the key to rapid weight loss. But, to get the most out of your prescription, it’s crucial to know what you need to do to lose weight fast with phentermine. Here, we have a four-point guide for you to help you achieve the weight loss results you want with Phentermine! If you’re in a hurry, you can also find our guide summarized in the infographic below.
1. Drink Water
One surefire way to lose weight fast with phentermine is to drink lots of water. Drinking water helps weight loss by ensuring that your body is working at its peak, as water is needed for all bodily functions, including boosting your metabolism and helping you to burn fat. In addition, it can sometimes be difficult for our brains to know if we are hungry or just thirsty, so it’s often a good idea to have some water and check that you’re not a little dehydrated rather than hungry, especially in hot weather. Drinking water fills you up, so your appetite is satisfied without the calories. You should drink water continuously throughout the day, but one great tip is to have a glass around 20 minutes before a meal so that your stomach can recognize the feeling of fullness, and you should then see yourself eating less at mealtimes.
Drinking lots of water also helps you lose weight; often, in the first week of taking phentermine, users see rapid weight loss as a direct result of drinking water. If your diet is high in sodium or you don’t drink enough water, your body holds onto the water that it has to hydrate the body, meaning higher numbers on the scale. Once your body gets used to having a constant supply of water, it realizes it no longer has to conserve water and lets go of the water it was holding onto. So, your body will thank you for drinking lots of water, and so will your scale!
Water also helps to relieve dry mouth, the most common phentermine side effect. However, water isn’t enough to solve the problem of dry mouth, which is a lack of saliva. To learn about how to cope with dry mouth on phentermine, check out these two informative blog posts:
2. Eat The Right Foods
Although phentermine suppresses appetite, it’s crucial to remember that you need to eat to lose weight. The exact amount depends on your start weight, age, height, and sex, but you should never eat over 1,200 calories per day – your doctor can advise you on your target daily calorie allowance for a more personalized figure. If you consume any less than 1,200 calories per day, your metabolism will slow down, meaning that your body will begin to hold onto fat as fuel rather than burning it. To lose weight fast, you need to keep your metabolism running smoothly with healthy meals and healthy snacks throughout the day. These meals and snacks should incorporate healthy-filling foods with plenty of fiber, protein, healthy fats, fruit, and vegetables, which will all keep your body working to burn fat, build muscle, reduce inflammation, and lose weight fast with phentermine.

Many of these healthy foods also have the bonus of maximizing the effects of phentermine by helping the active ingredients to last longer in your body, making it all the more possible for you to lose weight fast with phentermine. This is because these foods make your urinary pH more alkaline, which causes phentermine to be excreted at a slower rate, therefore helping you benefit from the effects of added energy and appetite suppression for longer throughout the day. In contrast, foods high in preservatives, saturated fat, salt, and sugar, such as ready meals, diet soda, alcohol, butter, and ice cream, cause your body to expel phentermine quicker as they make your urinary pH more acidic, so avoid these foods to lose weight fast with phentermine!
However, if phentermine isn’t suppressing your appetite as much as you’d hoped, then these tips on how to suppress your appetite will offer you some great ways to beat your hunger.
3. Combine Cardio And Weight-Bearing Exercise
Although eating healthily and taking phentermine will make the pounds come off, it is the winning combination of phentermine, diet, and exercise that can help you to lose weight fast with phentermine and target weight loss in problem areas, too. And, while we would encourage you to find an exercise you love, incorporating cardio and weight-bearing exercises into your regime is the key to rapid weight loss with phentermine. Cardio, such as cycling, running, aerobics, or dancing, helps you to burn fat and gets your heart rate up to boost metabolism, and weight-bearing exercises, such as toning exercises and lifting weights, will help to tone your body and build lean muscle. This lean muscle will contribute to calorie burn and help boost your metabolism even when resting, helping you lose weight fast with phentermine. The best bit is that you only need to do weight-bearing exercises for around 10-15 minutes three times a week to build muscle and see a difference!
4. Establish A Healthy Lifestyle
All too often, a healthy lifestyle is the missing link between good results and great results with phentermine. To lose weight fast with phentermine, you also have to put your health first, which means getting enough sleep, remembering to relax and de-stress, and taking steps to reduce side effects – side effects which might otherwise make it hard to concentrate on healthy eating and exercise or might be enough to want to make you give up phentermine altogether.
Sleep is a great weight loss aid and helps reduce stress and the effects that stress can have on your waistline. Since insomnia is a common side effect of phentermine, you might feel the need to combine phentermine with other medications, such as sleeping tablets. Still, some of these can reduce the effectiveness of phentermine by increasing the acidity of your urinary pH. Instead, you should add a supplement with the serotonin pre-cursor 5-HTP. 5-HTP helps to regulate sleep and has also been found to increase the effectiveness of phentermine in clinical trials, so it will help you to lose weight fast with phentermine by both improving your sleeping patterns and adding to the effectiveness of your prescription. The benefits of 5-HTP don’t stop there either; it also boosts your mood, reducing other phentermine side effects such as anxiety and depression, and it helps to suppress appetite naturally, so you’ll continue to feel less hungry even when the effects of phentermine begin to reduce.
Supporting your healthy eating with a multivitamin also helps to provide all the essential nutrients your body needs to function at its peak and help you lose weight fast with phentermine, including magnesium, B12, chromium, vitamins A, C, and E, and biotin – many of which are lacking in our modern diets. So, by getting your vitamins, taking steps to de-stress, and ensuring you get plenty of sleep, you can help restore the balance, which will, in turn, help to shift those pounds even faster!
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I am about to start the phen diet pills, friday not sure what dose my Doctor is going to give me. I am 254 lbs. Lots of heath problems herniated disk in neck and lumbar an going into my 4th year of having stomach cancer removed with no new growth. But have LG abdominal hernia that needs repaired. I’m afraid to have any surgery at this wt. My back pain keep me very limited in my mobility. I’m going to have to start with walking and maybe pool exercise. One question is the diet my Dr. Always pushes a low carb diet does this work with the phen pill?
Hi Toni!
Any kind of diet works with phentermine, or rather, there is no ‘one particular diet’ that works best for those currently on phentermine. Each body is different, so the best judge of what works best for your age, metabolism and any other factors is your prescribing doctor.
Best regards,
The links when you click on Phen Vites and Phen Drink take you to Phen Caps. Is the link broken or does the Phen Cap cover these two items as well.
I actuallyu had this convo with them via chat last week, they said those were phased out. Shame. Althjo Phen Caps supposed to do the same thing anyways. Told them to take out those links! Confusing.
I have taken phentermine as a dietary supplement and it has given me excellent results. The secret is to drink plenty of water, exercise and maintain a balanced diet. Excellent post, it is very complete.
Hi all I haven’t taken this pill yet. Just ordered but I think it helps to follow your diet plan. It’s better to take proper diet plan from a qualified dietitian. To get better knowledge acc to our body and calorie requirements.
I started March 2 taking the pill and as of today April 21 2017 I’ve only lost 12 lbs.. Was hoping to lose more than that. I been reading others comments and I see where I’ve been going wrong.. not drinking enough water and not eating 1200 calories or more.. I really don’t get hungry. I walk every day for 1 hour and 30 minutes. Plus I do extreme hip hop off YouTube for another hour… So I really need to start drinking more water and eating more to lose more weight… Good luck to everyone..
SW: 257 Current Weight: 245
I have been taking it for 3 weeks and have only lost two lbs. I dont eat meat or drink milk so what can i do to speed up weight loss
Hi Angela,
A vegan or vegetarian diet is no barrier to losing weight – here we have lots of tips about how to lose weight while following a vegetarian diet: And, for more general tips, this article explains what could be slowing your losses down and how to improve your results:
How often should you get the B12 shot when taking Phentermine?
Will caffeine cause issues with phentermine? I am 5’10 and 249.5 this morning. I started phentermine yesterday. I started in November at 298, and had weight loss surgery over 10 years ago and was almost 400 pounds. I am taking phentermine to hopefully get down to 200, and then see where we can go to from there. The only thing I noticed is that I am extremely chatty, which I talk a lot anyway. I am taking phentermine 30 mg.
Hi Jen,
Your doctor will tell you when you next need the B12 shot, but depending on the strength it is usually between once per month and once a week.
I received the PHEN yesterday with my initial B12 shot. My Dr gave me the 15mg and to take them twice a day. My question is should I continue with the B12 shots or not? Can I take B12 from over the counter with the same effect? I’m currently weighing 207 and I am 5’6. My goal is to get down to my healthy weight of 145. I am limited on my working out right now because of an injury. I will be tracking myself on Lose It!
B12 shots have the advantage of giving you the full dosage of B12, while taking vitamins in pill form does mean that some is lost in the absorption process. However, vitamin pills tend to work out cheaper than shots so it’s just a case of taking more of them to get the same dosage, so overall it is just a personal preference.
I’ve only been taking PHEN for 2 days. Will do the 1/2 pills for at least 4 days.
Tracking my nutrition w/LOSE IT app, free version.
I do take a multi-vit, iron, and have 5-htp on shipment.
Going to incorporate some light exercise.
Currently weigh 300 & my first goal is 50 lbs.
Looking forward to using this as a tool to build healthy habits. I only want to be on PHEN as long (short) as I need to
I am like you, I don’t want to be on it forever. Today I took my second dose. yesterday I talked a lot.. lol.. but I had no sleep the night before because my son was sick. I like that you are setting small incremental goals. I started in November at 298, and on my own with diet change and a fit bit lost 45 pounds, but hit a plateau. I heard on Dr. Radio on Sirus that phentermine is a good thing to take to get through a plateau and luckily I have a doctor who was impressed with what I did on my own and wanted to see me continue. Good luck! Tracking food is very helpful to me!
Hello, started taking phentermine 37.5 last Wednesday had problems falling asleep and didn’t like the jitters, headache and dizziness. I cut it down to a half tablet but I can feel the difference with my decrease in appetite. The full dosage obviously worked better. How long should I stay on the 1/2 dosage until I increase it. I have lost 5 pounds in 4 days though.
Hi Precious,
Really it depends on the individual and how you feel – most people find that they get more used to the side effects after taking phentermine for around a week so we would advise that you stay on the half dosage for a few days and then see how you feel taking a full tablet.
I started taking 37.5 mg of Phen on 12/18/16. I am 31 years old and 5’2″ with a starting weight of 204lbs. As of today, 2/18/17 I am 178lbs. I have lost 26lbs in exactly 2 months. This is following a 1000 calorie per day diet with no exercise incorporated yet. I have experienced ups and downs with the pill and considered getting off of it at one point. In the beginning I had horrible dry mouth, insomnia, extreme mood swings, dizziness and was extremely tired all of the time. I also got my period which lasted for 27 days and I normally only get my period a few times a year due to my birth control. In the beginning I don’t think I was eating enough since most of those side effects were quick to dissipate once I started eating more. My goal weight at this point is 150lbs, though someone my height should really be around 120lbs-130lbs. My plan is to stay on Phen for 4 months, so I have 2 more months to hit 150lbs. I have monthly check up appointments with my doctor who gives me a B12 shot each time to help with energy. Both myself and my doctor are very pleased with the results so far and are optimistic that I will be able to reach my goal.
I started taking adipex 37.5mg 5 days ago. I have worked out everyday and walked 1 mile with 139ft incline to 2.12 miles. I drink a gallon of water everyday and I consume 1000 calories a day. In 5 days I have lost 11ibs. It’s going fast and I love it. I stay very busy and make sure I workout.
Hello Sandra. That is wonderful. Thank you for sharing your experience with us. You are welcome to join our brand new support group so you can connect with other phentermine users, share your experience and get some valuable advice.
Have a nice day!
I started phentramine in September 2016. I am 4’11, 23 years old and I weighed 151lbs when I first was prescribed. It’s been about 4 months now that I have been on phen and I am down to 129lbs. I’m down 22lbs. I dont feel like I have made as much progress as others have on this page. For me to be in a normal range for my height I need to be between 93-123lbs. My ideal weight is 110-115lbs. I have been eating very healthy and have given up sweets although I have messed up a few times. I exercise a minimum of 4x a week for 35-45mins of running on and off while on the treadmill and sometimes do crunches after. My biggest weakness is not drinking enough water. But my frustration is that I haven’t seen much more weight loss even though I have upped my workouts and how often changed my eating habits and eat much less. I feel like the meds have stopped helping me. Do you just get used to it and eventually it stops working? I have a two month supply left so in March is my final round until I see my doctor again and I’m not sure if she will give me anymore now…someone please help! Why am I not losing more weight when I’m doing basically everything right! Cus there are people on here who have done nothing and lost so much more…
Hi August,
It can be very frustrating when it feels that you are doing everything right but still aren’t seeing the results you want. First of all, it’s difficult not to, but we try to advise people against comparing themselves to others. Everyone is different, and while it may seem that someone is losing weight without much effort, factors such as sex, age, and start weight all have a huge bearing on how quickly people can lose weight. This article explains some of the reasons why weight loss can slow down and how to get your losses back up on phentermine:
Just running on the treadmill and doing crunches isn’t enough.. especially since you’re sooo close to your goal weight. You need to add weight training to your regimen asap. If you want to do cardio I would use the elliptical… also weights build muscle which weighs more than fat.. women are scared to use weights because they’re afraid to get bulky.. that will NOT happen. You will get lean and very toned over time. Just running and doing crunches isn’t necessarily a waste because obviously exercise is great for you however you are NOT getting the most out of your workout. I hardly ever use a treadmill for longer than 15 minutes and only to warm up a bit.
This article was very helpful. I am on my third day. I don’t have an appetite at all. I feel weird eating when I’m not hungry. I also get random drug testing. I notified them immediately after being prescribed. My doc told me it was not an amphetamine. But my supervisor chewed me out and said I would probably test positive. Any advice?
Thank you
Hi Beka,
What your supervisor said is true to a certain extent – phentermine causes a false positive effect on drug tests, so it will show a positive result for amphetamine, but this is a false or incorrect positive reading as it’s not amphetamine, as your doctor told you. We explain more about this here:
I started the 37.5 on 12/10/16 weighing 160 pounds. I started taking them 12/12/16 starting with a half a pill – the first day I had so much energy I walked two miles and wasn’t hungry at all. Tuesday I took the other half and felt the same. I started feeling the dry mouth it’s so annoying I do drink a lot of water but the dry mouth is all day and hard for me to fall asleep because I’m so thirsty. I’ve lost 5 pounds already I’m not hungry at all and when I do eat everything has a funny taste to where I’ll eat two bites of it. Yesterday I took a half of a pill because I had to work all day and didn’t want my mouth to be as dry (it still was). It didn’t give me the energy like it has been and made me super moody and felt pissed off all day. When is the best time to take the 37.5 pill?
Hi Brooke,
The best time to take phentermine is first thing in the morning. This is usually the best way to start taking it as insomnia is a common side effect, so taking it early is a way to minimize this side effect. As in your case, it can be advisable to start with half a pill per day to assess the effects and to ease you into the way it works, and then if insomnia isn’t a problem some people like to take the second half before lunch to ensure they don’t get hungry at night, or you can take the full pill in the morning once the side effects have started to wear off a little. From what you say it sounds like you’re not eating enough – you need to eat at least 1200 calories per day or your metabolism will start to slow down and the phentermine will begin to have less effect. And in relation to the moodiness and anger you felt yesterday, this is also a fairly common symptom, and could be related to feeling hunger, or ‘hangry’ as it can be referred to, as well as due to a lack of sleep. This article has some advice about how to reduce angry feelings on phentermine which could help you:
I just started the 37.5 today. I was extremely tired all day and laid down a couple of times but couldn’t fall asleep. Now it’s late and I should be sleeping but I’m wide awake and have a headache too. I’m 192lbs, hoping to get down to 150.
Hi Becky,
I also started on Dec 15th but 30 mg.
I am also having trouble falling asleep but other than that I am fine.
Did you lose any weight in these last 4 days?
What time did you take the pill?
Hi I have been on phentermine for a month and like a week at first I dropped 11 in my first week then after that I still lost weight my starting weight was 217 I am now 202 but I have been at a plateau for a couple weeks my doctor said to add b12 then the nurse told me to just add exercise eat more and drink a lot more water…my question is I wanna lose twenty to 30 more pounds by Christmas what should I do?
I just received phen 15mg yesterday and was wondering why some people’s are 37mg? TIA
Hi Alicia,
We explained the issue of dosages in this article:
The main reason many people start on 37.5mg, the highest dosage, is because doctors often prefer to prescribe the tablets instead of capsules, and the tablets only come in the maximum dosage. Doctors prefer these because they are cheaper and can be split in half if the max dosage is too strong, or the patient can take the two halves at different times of the day. In addition, the most popular phentermine brand, Adipex, is only available in the maximum dosage.
I took the pill from Dec 2015 – March 2016 and now again from Jun – Now…In Dec I weighed 299 lbs and now I am down to 223. My main diet changes were smaller portion sizes (palm size portions), eating vegetables, and eating a fruit for snack. If I want seconds at a meal, I get more vegetables and occasionally a piece of lean meat. I stress I would never ever ever eat vegetables before, now they are the biggest part of my meals. I still might eat some type of dessert once a week if that. Not a big sweet eater. I have a protein shake for breakfast about 3 times per week (protein powder, fresh/frozen fruit, 1% milk, ice or water). It was difficult at first as my body adjust to eating less, but the human body is most efficient machine ever and adapted. Minor weight training for about 20 – 25 minutes 2 to 3 times a week. I used to be a football player and packed on the weight after I stopped playing. I am now the smallest I have been as an adult. My goal weight is 210, so only 13 lbs to go! Anyone interested in this pill, its an excellent supplement to healthy lifestyle changes.
Hi Devon,
Thanks for your feedback and well done on your weight loss! Feel free to leave a review in our phentermine review section here:
Thanks for sharing. I so need to read this. Praying I can do half as good as you. I am starting this week.
Where do I get this amazing pill everyone is talking about
Hi Mari,
You need to ask your doctor to see if you are eligible for a prescription. Here is a link to explain more about how to get phentermine:
Is taking the B12 vitamin over the counter the same has taking the shot ,to help lose weight faster with the phentermine 37.5 perscription