Get Sexual To Boost Phentermine Weight Loss
Researchers have shown how sex has many great health benefits and can even boost weight loss! In addition to the calorie burn, sex releases hormones that lift mood, reduce stress, and even suppress appetite. Here, we take a look at how getting sexual could boost weight loss on phentermine and help to minimize side effects.
How Sex Boosts Phentermine Weight Loss
It might sound too good to be true, but sex could be one of the best ways to improve your health and well-being. Here are the reasons why:
1. Sex Makes You Feel Good
Getting some sexual healing is guaranteed to lift your mood thanks to the endorphins it releases. And since sex is such a good mood enhancer, the more you have sex, the more endorphins are released. By boosting your mood, sex, in turn, helps with weight loss by promoting positivity and happiness. This helps you avoid emotional eating, which often arises from anger, loneliness, and depression.
2. Sex Helps Suppress Appetite
As well as endorphins, sex releases the hormone oxytocin. Often called ‘the love hormone’, oxytocin releases messages to the brain to indicate that you are ‘full’ causing appetite suppression. The same kind of effect can be seen when we eat chocolate, which might explain why we love it so much!
3. Sex Helps You Sleep
As well as releasing oxytocin, sex reduces the stress hormone cortisol. This combination leaves you in a relaxed state to promote sleep, so you should find yourself sleeping like a baby when it comes to bedtime. And, as we explain here, sleep is extremely important regarding your appetite and cravings. Essentially, getting enough sleep ensures that your hunger and satiety signals are balanced, so sex helps encourage this balance.
4. Sex Reduces Stress And Frustration
By reducing cortisol, sex also helps you to release stress and frustration. Stress is a common cause of cravings as a result of hormone imbalances, and frustration leads to emotional eating as a misdirected way of coping.
5. Sex Burns Calories
A more obvious one, but still a very valid reason to enjoy getting sexual! On average, sex burns 150 to 250 calories per half an hour. Since it’s free and fun, you could consider it the ultimate exercise machine! Combining sex with other exercises throughout the day could improve your fitness level quickly. Especially as getting to the point where you are highly aroused and reaching orgasm can be considered a good cardio activity.
6. Sex Reduces Body Fat
In addition to burning calories, sex has also been found to help reduce belly fat and overall body weight. This is again due to the way sex promotes the release of oxytocin and the reduction of cortisol in the body. Cortisol, often referred to as the ‘stress hormone’ has been directly linked to belly fat and overall body weight, so getting sexual can help you reduce the amount of cortisol in your body.
7. Sex Promotes Body Confidence
As well as feeling good thanks to the endorphins sex releases, getting sexual heightens feelings of body confidence. Loving your body as it is and for what it can do is an important step towards weight loss success, as well as being crucial for your happiness and overall self-esteem.
And If You’re Single…?
No partner? No problem!
It might not burn as many calories, but masturbation can help to release frustrations and stress just as much as sex with a partner. Plus, reaching an orgasm, whether you’re alone or with a partner, releases the all-important hormone oxytocin and the flood of endorphins that come with it. So, this means that all of you singletons out there can still reap most of the benefits of sex, such as a mood boost, reduced body fat, suppressed appetite, better sleep, and less stress.
In fact, since the focus is all on you, it might even be the perfect way to give yourself a boost and the opportunity to indulge in some all-important ‘me’ time. Not to mention, touching your body and giving yourself pleasure can also promote heightened body confidence and self-esteem. So, don’t feel that you have to be left out of this one if you don’t have a partner to get sexual with!
Getting Sexual On Phentermine
As an added bonus, sex can also help combat many phentermine side effects.
Reaching orgasm releases a rush of feel-good hormones, which in turn reduce stress, frustration, and depression and also help you to sleep. So, as well as boosting weight loss, sex could lessen side effects such as insomnia, anxiety, anger, and low mood. Regular sex also reduces pain, including headaches – another phentermine side effect – and stomach cramps. And, for those of you suffering from irregular periods on phentermine, researchers at Columbia and Stanford Universities found that sex also helps to regulate your menstrual cycle.
It is important to note, however, that a change in sexual libido is also listed as a side effect of phentermine. This can include both increased and decreased sexual desire, as many people have shared on our phentermine support group on Facebook. Although a decrease in sexual desire can be concerning, it must be taken into account that it is a temporary side effect caused by the hormonal changes that phentermine produces in the body.
But, taking phentermine to lose weight will help you achieve a whole range of positive effects, including an increase in sexual desire in the long term. This is because weight loss has a positive effect on desire. So, even if you’re not feeling very sexual, within time, your desire should increase; in fact, losing as little as 10lbs can boost your sexual desire. Essentially, health and sexual desire are linked; regular sex boosts health, and good health promotes sexual desire. So the healthier you become, the more your sex life should benefit!
Besides sex, there are many other ways to boost your weight loss with phentermine. Make sure to read our detailed guide!
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