What To Eat For Breakfast To Lose Weight With Phentermine

What To Eat For Breakfast To Lose Weight With Phentermine

We’ve all heard that breakfast is supposed to be the most important meal of the day, but you might be wondering exactly what you should eat for breakfast to lose weight with phentermine.

As well as boosting energy levels and helping concentration, getting the right nutrients in the morning can also really help you on your weight loss journey.

Breakfast helps you lose weight by boosting your metabolism and stopping cravings for unhealthy mid-morning snacks.

Here, we tell you all you need to know about starting your day the right way to lose weight with phentermine.

The Importance Of Breakfast

Maintaining a good metabolism is an important part of long-term weight loss.

Eating nothing until lunchtime can mean your body is without food for up to 18 hours.

Instead of running smoothly and burning off calories, your body is trying to conserve everything it can. A healthy breakfast will speed up your metabolism and make your body work more efficiently.

So, after taking your phentermine first thing, you should fuel up with a healthy breakfast as part of your ideal phentermine weight loss schedule.

Rather than saving you calories, skipping breakfast can actually stall weight loss.

Furthermore, those who skip breakfast also have difficulty fitting important weight-loss-boosting nutrients into their diet.

Many breakfast foods contain significant amounts of vitamins C and D, calcium, protein, iron, and fiber.

One way around this is to supplement your nutrient intake with Phen Vites, the only multivitamin specifically designed to help those losing weight.

It seems counter-intuitive that eating breakfast can help you lose weight, but it’s true as eating breakfast stops you from craving unhealthy foods and overeating later in the day.

Being over-hungry can lead to a lack of self-control, and distorted satiety signals mean it’s more difficult to know when you’re full.

In addition, skipping breakfast can increase your body’s insulin response, which in turn increases fat storage and weight gain.

Therefore, skipping breakfast actually increases your risk of obesity, as many studies on those who skip breakfast have shown.

Time-Saving Breakfast Tips

As much as we would all love to have a leisurely breakfast with our families at the kitchen table, this often isn’t possible with the busy lives we lead today.

However, many breakfast foods can be prepared quickly, such as cereal, fruit, yogurt, or whole wheat toast with nut butter.

Even a handful of nuts, a smoothie, or portable fruit like bananas and apples can give us a much-needed boost before we set off for work or school.

Another great diet tip is to cook things ready for the week on a Sunday night, such as some boiled eggs as on-the-go snacks or a vegetable frittata to eat over a few days.

Something Is Better Than Nothing

Some people really can’t face food in the morning, and sometimes phentermine can leave you with little appetite.

Still, everyone should at least try to have a little something – such as some skimmed milk or a healthy homemade smoothie – and then you can bring along a healthy mid-morning snack for when hunger hits.

If you think you’re doing fine without breakfast, just try changing for a week – you’re likely to notice a difference in your energy levels, mood, and concentration, not to mention your eating habits throughout the day.

Ideal Breakfast Foods To Lose Weight With Phentermine

Ideal Breakfast Foods

The foods you eat at breakfast are very important for weight loss; the right foods can keep you feeling full and energized for the whole morning, while the wrong foods can add unnecessary fat and leave you unsatisfied if they are full of empty calories.

You should avoid fried foods, sugary cereals, and foods like muffins and croissants, which are full of unhealthy trans-fats, and opt for a selection of these foods instead:


Fruit is a great breakfast choice as it can help you lose weight by making you feel fuller with fewer calories.

Unprocessed fruits contain a lot of water and fiber, which take up a lot of room in your stomach, leaving less room for other foods.

Great breakfast options are grapefruit, cantaloupe, and watermelon for their water quantities to hydrate and fill you up.

At the same time, raspberries, blueberries, bananas, apples, kiwis, and pears are all great sources of fiber, which keeps you full for longer.

Enjoy your fruit on its own, in a homemade smoothie, or with some low-fat yogurt.


Yogurt is an easy yet very healthy option for breakfast.

Low-fat plain yogurt has a lot of calcium, which has been shown to aid weight loss, and low-fat Greek yogurt is high in protein which fills you up with fewer calories – just make sure that whichever yogurt you choose is unsweetened.


Oats, especially the steel-cut rolled variety, are full of fiber, protein, and resistant starch, which help you feel full, burn fat and boost your metabolism.

Top them with fruit, nuts, and yogurt for a great breakfast full of flavor and texture.

Whole wheat bread

Whole wheat bread is great for its fiber content, making you feel fuller for longer.

But don’t add empty calories with jelly or butter; instead, add some almond butter, which has less saturated fat than peanut butter and is high in protein and healthy monounsaturated fats.


Eggs are perfect in the morning as they are high in protein and have been shown to aid weight loss when eaten for breakfast.

They are also very versatile, making a great topping for whole wheat toast when scrambled or poached, or they can be a handy portable breakfast snack when boiled.


Cereal is a breakfast staple, but often people don’t know which ones to choose the best. The ideal choices are cereals with at least 5 grams of fiber and less than 5 grams of sugar per serving.

Topping your cereal off with some skimmed milk and fruit gives you an ideal breakfast combination of filling whole grains, calcium, and energy-boosting protein.

Green Tea

Green Tea is a great option in the morning as it hydrates like water, but the polyphenols and catechins in green tea also boost your metabolism.

You might prefer a coffee but try to limit your intake as much as you can while you’re taking phentermine.

Although caffeine is a weight-loss booster, coffee has been shown to increase the acidity of your urinary pH, meaning that phentermine is expelled from your system sooner.

De-caffeinated coffee has the same effect, so it’s the coffee itself that causes this effect rather than caffeine.

Phentermine should give you the energy boost you need with coffee, but if you do feel like you need a little extra help, then adding the non-prescription supplement PhenQ to your daily routine can help boost the effects of phentermine and your weight loss results, too.

Eating a high-protein, high-fiber breakfast is the best way to start your day and the best option for losing weight with phentermine.

We would love to know the types of foods you enjoy eating for breakfast or if you have any recipe ideas you would like to share!

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  1. Hi Sally.
    I started taking Phentermine 4 days ago and I’m so glad I read your article here!!
    I’ve been skipping breakfast every single day (and sometimes even lunch), because I thought that since I wasn’t hungry anyway, not eating those two meals would make the weight come off even faster.
    So thank you for this article, I enjoy reading it.

    1. Hi Debi,

      Thank you for reaching out. We are glad the article was useful for you. Here we have some great information on why it’s important to eat enough calories (even when you’re trying to lose weight!) and ideas for helping you stay on track (even when you don’t have much of an appetite): https://www.phentermine.com/blog/eating-enough-phentermine/

      You are also more than welcome to join our official Facebook support group so you can share your experience with other phentermine users and get feedback on your particular situation: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1069871763087734

      Best regards,

      Sally, Phentermine.com

  2. It depends on how much weight you wish to lose. To understand this, let’s have a look at this: if your daily calorie consumption is 1200 and your body is burning 1500 calories per day, you are creating calorie deficit of 300 which means your body will lose weight but if you are eating 1800 calories and your body is burning 1500 calories it means you are taking surplus calories of 300 which is going to embedded in your body as body fat and you will gain weight eventually.
    According to CDC, if you want to lose weight, you should burn more calories than you eat.
    An average man needs 2000-2500 calories to maintain weight and in order to lose one pound of weight per week, per day calorie intake should be 2000. Similarly, for an average woman to lose one-pound weight a week, daily calorie intake should be 1200-1500 calories per day however, a normal calorie intake must be 1500-2000 per day to maintain weight.
    Plan you diet in such a way that you are taking the right amount of calories per day if you wish to reduce weight or else use calorie deficit calculators or smartphone apps which provides a complete guide and method to maintain a calorie deficit diet.

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