What to Eat While Taking Phentermine
At the start of your weight loss journey, it can be difficult to know exactly what to eat while taking phentermine.
There are so many diets and eating plans to choose from, and it’s no different when you’re taking phentermine.
Although you will experience a suppressed appetite, it is still very important that you eat well and make the right food choices.
Choose Your Eating Plan of Action
When there are so many contradicting views from one diet to another, it can be difficult to know which diets will work better for you, what to eat to lose weight, and which foods you should avoid.
For example, some diets will praise the benefits of complex carbohydrates, whereas others will tell you to avoid carbs altogether.
While it can be difficult to know who to believe, first, you need to think about what you feel able to do and whether it will work for you.
Some people find that they cannot seem to lose weight if they continue eating carbs, so if this is true of you, then limit your carbs and fill up on more fiber, protein, and vegetables instead.
If you’re not sure what works best for you, then switch from week to week and see when you make your biggest losses.
Whichever route you take, there are some universal dieting truths that will complement any sensible, healthy eating plan you wish to follow.
You Need to Eat to Lose Weight

It is very important that you eat enough actually to be able to lose weight.
Not providing your body with enough food will cause your body to conserve any food you do provide as fat.
It is generally thought that the minimum amount of calories you should consume each day is 1200, but the exact amount you should eat depends on your sex, age, height, and starting weight.
Your phentermine doctor should be able to advise you on how many calories you need each day. You must also ensure you use your calories wisely and consume the right foods to maximize your weight-loss potential.
What To Eat On Phentermine
Water: The first rule of every diet is to drink lots of water.
When taking phentermine, you should be drinking at least 8 glasses of water per day to improve the functions of your body and assist in the release of water weight, as well as keeping you hydrated and less likely to misinterpret thirst for hunger.
Chilled water tastes better and is easier to absorb for the body, or if you want something warming, green tea is similarly hydrating and counts towards your daily quota.
Protein: When dieting, you must consume enough protein.
One reason for this is that high-protein foods take more work to digest, metabolize, and use, which means you burn more calories processing them.
They also take longer to leave your stomach, so you feel full sooner and for a longer amount of time. Protein is doubly important if you’re exercising as well as dieting to make sure you’re losing fat and not muscle.
Your body uses protein to build lean muscle, which not only makes you stronger and more toned but also burns calories even when you’re not active, unlike lazy fat, meaning your metabolism works at a higher speed.
Good protein sources are skinless chicken and turkey, tofu, fish, low-fat dairy, lean beef, eggs, and nuts.
Fiber: While fiber is not a magic weight-loss weapon, healthy high-fiber foods make you feel full, so you can resist eating more food than you need.
Although phentermine will help suppress your appetite, when you are hungry, opting for high-fiber food means that your appetite will be satisfied with fewer calories and fat.
Great sources of fiber are beans, whole grains, brown rice, nuts, baked potatoes (but you have to eat the skin), berries, bran cereal, and vegetables.
Fruits and Vegetables: The water and fiber in fruits and vegetables will add volume to your dishes, so you can eat the same amount of food with fewer calories.
Most fruits and vegetables are filling and naturally low in fat and calories.
Choose whole fruits over juices to maximize the fiber content, and always make sure your vegetables are cooked healthily and served with healthy dressings.
Alkalizing Foods: To maximize the effects of phentermine, it is necessary to have an alkaline urinary pH (7.5 to 8.0), as this means the phentermine will be excreted from your body at a slower rate.
Almost all fruits and vegetables are alkalizing, so they will help you maintain the alkaline levels in your body.
Therefore you will feel the effects of phentermine, such as higher energy levels and a suppressed appetite, for longer throughout the day.
Other alkalizing foods are almonds, chestnuts, tofu, stevia, cinnamon, curry, ginger, mustard, chili pepper, and all herbs.
What to Avoid
Simple Carbohydrates: Foods that contain simple carbohydrates include table sugar, products with white flour, candy, chocolate, cake, jam, cookies, soda, and packaged cereals.
They are digested quickly by your body, resulting in dramatic changes to your blood sugar levels, and they are not utilized by your body as fuel, often becoming stored as fat instead.
If you do include carbs in your diet, make them complex carbs; these take longer to digest and are packed with fiber, vitamins, and minerals.
Examples include vegetables, whole grain bread, oatmeal, legumes, brown rice, and whole wheat pasta.
Sugar: Added sugar supplies a large amount of fructose, which can only be processed by the liver. If the liver is already processing foods, the extra sugar gets stored as fat.
Sugar directly increases your chance of becoming obese due to elevated insulin resistance, as well as increasing cholesterol levels and your chances of getting diabetes.
Sugar can be found in many of the simple carbohydrates listed above and hidden in many processed foods, like frozen meals.
Dried fruit and store-bought fruit juices can also have high sugar levels, so fresh fruit and freshly squeezed juices are preferable.
Alcohol: Like increased sugar levels, alcohol can adversely affect your liver functions to the extent that your body’s fat-burning systems are inhibited for as long as several days; therefore, the liver has less chance to burn any fat.
Acidifying Foods: Besides being bad for weight gain and inhibiting fat burning, the foods above are also acidifying, meaning these foods are particularly important to avoid for those taking phentermine.
The reason for this is that acidifying foods increase the excretion of phentermine, meaning it will not last as long in your system as it should.
So, keep clear of soda, alcohol, coffee, sugar, butter, ice cream, and white flour products.
While taking phentermine, it is important to get into the habit of eating the right foods to re-educate your mind into providing your body with the best.
When you reach your goal weight, it is the changes you make on your weight loss journey that help you to maintain your new body.
All that said, the odd treat here and there will mean you don’t feel deprived and end up binging and undoing all your good work along the way.
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Did you find this article useful? Or, do you know any other tips on what to eat while taking phentermine? We would love to hear from you! Comment below!
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i have been on phentermine for two months now and i have lost 30 pounds and i dont take it eveyday good luck everyone
Irene, What’s your diet and exercise like? I’m 56, have Fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, and Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. So I can’t exercise. Walking is about it. I just started taking Phentermine Monday. Thanks.
I just started back on Phentermine after a few years. I’m 25 years old, 5’3, 172 lbs. When I was on it the first time, I was 21 and my starting weight was about 170. I took the prescription for a few months, ate healthy, stuck to the 1200 calorie diet and tried to exercise at least 15 minutes every other day. I did lose a little weight (about 15 pounds), but I always felt hungry still. I tried taking the phentermine later in the day, because I never had a problem with it keeping me up at night. When I told my doctor this, he didn’t seem to have an opinion either way.
So a few years later, I’m back up in the 170s and I just filled my prescription to try phentermine again. I’ve been on the Keto diet for about a month (you basically eat less than 20g of carbs and 20g of sugar per day, training your body to function by burning stored fat. My boyfriend lost 90 pounds in 7 months on this diet). So, on the keto diet, I haven’t lost a single pound. It’s an easy diet for me to stick to, because we live together and he is very determined not to cheat. But since I haven’t lost any weight on this diet, I thought adding phentermine and going back to my exercise routine might help me kick the weight loss into gear. My question is this: Due to his work schedule if I get up and eat breakfast with him at 5:00 am, do I wait and take the phentermine before my lunch (considering my past experience)? Or do I need to take it while fixing breakfast, and hope it doesn’t wear off by noon?? My biggest meal is always breakfast (usually 3 eggs and 3 strips of bacon).
I’ve been taking Phentermine for a month now. The first 2 weeks i lost a total of 11 lbs. The next 2 weeks i lost 9 more. I went from 229 to 209. Great success with this pill,
If you reached a plateau start exercising also . Drink more water and possibly up your calories from 1200 to 1400 for a week. A boost in calories often kicks up your metabolism for weight. If you unsure of what to eat. Avoid WHITE, bread, sugar, pasta and rice . No simple sugars . Only complex carbohydrates. Try to focus on a 1200 calorie diet, examples are available On the Internet . Hot tea or coffee for breakfast And for lunch salad and couple ounces of meat. Sensible dinner with veggies and meat. Snack on fruits like berries , Apples, grapefruit and melons.
I’ve been on and off Phen for 3yrs. Took off almost 80 lbs. The diet that worked best for me was the 17 day diet. I don’t have the author s name but it’s awesome.
I started Duromine about 14 days ago, starting off at 83kg, 165cm. my first week i had great results, lost 3.2 kg, but in my 2nd week ive lost 0.1g only.
I think it might because im not following a proper eating plan, does anyone have a diet i could follow or suggest a good eating plan to help with losing weight while on Duromine. also does walking for 20mins everyday also help or should i increase my excersice??
Is anyone working out? my doctor emphasized working out…..eating healthy
I have been on phentermine for about a month. I have only lost 6.5 pds. my starting weight was 211. I feel like the weight is coming off slower. my body is looking better. I have had compliments on the small changes….just worried that being 40 its going to be harder to shed this weight
I started phentermine five weeks ago my starting weight was 270 I am now at 239. And have plateau now and haven’t lost or gained a pound in five days. What do I need to do to kick start my weight lose again?
Hi everyone. I am 21 yrs old and my starting weigjt was 170. I have been on the medicine for a week and lost 6.5 pounds. I was wondering if any one had a good diet plan to help me? Im looking for cheap healthy foods because we arw a little short of cash. I have been eating a lot of fruit but when it comes to lunches and dinners i dont know what to eat. My problem is i eat to much carbs.. pasta is my biggest issue. My goal weight is 140-145.
Get the boil-in-bag brown rice from Success or Uncle Ben’s and make a couple bags, split it into 4 plastic containers. Then, get steamer-bags of veggies (in the freezer aisle) and microwave one larger one and divide that among the 4 containers. Next, get chicken or fish or pork and cook it like usual and put 3-4 oz. (it helps a lot to weigh your food and kitchen scales are very cheap) of the meat in each container. That is lunch to go. Bring low-fat cheese sticks, light yogurt (preferably greek), green apples with almond butter, and protein bars with less than 14 g of sugar and more than 7 g of protein. This all packs nicely for school or work. If you’re in a hurry, have some Lean Cuisines (ones without pasta, white rice, bread, or tortillas) as back-up. For dinner, the best thing to do is make a big salad with veggies and a little cheese and 3-4 oz. of meat again. Extra virgin olive oil and red wine or balsamic vinegar are healthy and taste great. For snacks, have lowfat cottage cheese, carrot sticks and lowfat ranch. Never eat breakfast cereal. They are all heavily processed. Try steel-cut oats instead. You can make a big batch, stir some almond butter and cinnamon into it and scoop out a serving of it, heat it up with milk or a splash of water in the micro and there you go. Just add fruit or nuts or both. Eggs make the best breakfast, tho. If you don’t drink a lot of water, phentermine dehydrates you pretty fast, so always have a water container with you and keep sipping and refilling. If you don’t like water, get some Mio flavors or Crystal Light. Make sure it has no sugar in it, just sweetener. Never drink calories unless its kombucha or kefir. Both are awesome for your gut. Okay, that’s enough for now. I’m a nutrition nerd and have been on phentermine for a month now. My addiction was icecream. Ben and Jerry’s, at least one pint per day.
Wow that is such a great guidline. While dieting you do get bored with the variety of choices.Thank you for sharing. I’m just starting phentermine today and i’m so excited. Starting weight is 389 and I have eliminated all white carbs from my diet. I only eat multigrain wheat bread usually toasted with peanut butter. for breakfast and a boiled egg. I have been making turkey burgers, and baked chicken breast with stir fry veggies for dinner and lunch is usually soup or smoothie. My biggest hurdle is going to be the coffee for me and half and half. I have to get used to not drinking it anymore ughhh. Any suggestions to kick the habit?
Hi there Kristina, Thanks for the comment and congrats on getting started with your weight loss journey! 🙂
Sounds like you are doing really great and see that the most important part of weight loss with phentermine, is making a lifestyle change while you have the extra help to healthy diet and moderate exercise.
I understand how it must feel to give up coffee, I could never do it! That said, maybe you want to try green tea, or chai tea? That could be a good replacement! We also recommend a green tea drink mix that you can add to water, it has no calories, sugar or carbs and actually boosts tour metabolism!
You an also check out our FB support group, the users there exchange all different tips and tricks for weight loss with phentermine, as well as supporting each other, it’s great! Click here to join if you’re not already a member 🙂
I hope this helps, let me know if you have any other questions!
Sally, Phentermine.com
Hello Christie,
I just got my phentermine and topmax pills today. I have been reading up on different meal plans; however, yours is the best so far so many choices. I tried phentermine about 3 years ago, I lost weight pretty good I just got tired of the same foods. I currently weigh 182 and I’m looking to get down to 140. With your meal options and moderate exceeds hopefully by Oct I’ll reach my goal.
I just started this diet yesterday I am really excited to see some results I weighed in at 176 pounds I have 12 weeks before I go on my cruise I would like to b about 135 to 140 i had a headache yesterday on my first day taking the pill and had to pee a lot due to the water I was drinking here is my question I get up at 6:10 every morning and get ready for work I get to work at 7 so do I eat first in the morning and then wait thirty minutes to take the pill or do I take the pill in the morning then eat
The instructions on my prescription say take it one hr before eating breakfast.
Hi there Lesli, Thanks for the comment! You should always follow what your doctor suggests, this is simply a general guideline 🙂
Sarah, Phentermine.com
I have been taking phentermine for a week, have lost no weight and am extreemly sleepy. Whereis this energy boost everyone is talking about?
Sadi, did you ever find anything out about feeling extremely sleepy when you take the phentermine? I’m currently in the same boat that you inquired about. Thank you.
Me too! I’ve never been more tired and still have an appetite. I took it years ago and it was effective. But this time around I am getting no results.
Me to just started yesterday and im sleepy
Hi Camille! You may be interested in this article about tiredness on phentermine.
Rachel, phentermine.com
i started my pill april 1st, starting weight 288 now april 8th i am at 269. So far i have only walked for 15 minutes a day and on a strict diet no more then 1200 calories, i try to keep it under 1200 though, at times i feel hungrey but i try to drink water and if i still feel hungrey i eat something small.
Hi Heather
How do you count your calories. That’s one of the things I struggle with
you can track your calories by down loading fitness pal on your phone,or laptop, or home computer.
I have been taking the pill for less than a week and I have lost 8 lbs, I know it is too much and it is mostly because the pill makes food sound and smell disgusting, however, I do feel that my body is adjusting to it and will slowly start to work food back into my diet, it has been a few days since i was able to eat..
I just started last week (so about a week and a half now) and have been experiencing kind of the same thing. I have lost about 9 pounds, but I have been eating healthy and using those energy boosts to get housework done and play with the kids.
I DID notice that a lot of foods that I love seem to really stink to me, and if I am not getting good fluid intake, it tastes terrible! I have been looking up more chicken and tuna recipes, and looking into how to make whole wheat taste good, because I love my pasta and potatoes! Yesterday I took the day off from pretty much EVERYTHING because the kids are not home, and last night I was in tears because all I wanted was sweets. And not the good sweets like eat a yougurt and an apple, it was HUGE cravings for donuts, girl scout cookies (samoas!) and brownie ice cream. It hit FAST and HARD. I wanted to go for a walk, but it was dark and rainy..
I am not taking too much of a problem out of losing the 9 pounds so fast, because I was at over 280 pounds, and it wasn’t over 10. Doctor said if I changed my diet and added more exercise I could expect to seem to lose a LOT in the beginning, but to keep it steady because at about 3 months it will plateau, and is no longer a viable option. I have seen some people have been taking it on and off for quite a while. Since I have 3 children, and have not done a lot of exercise in YEARS (leading to back/knee pain and arthritis in some areas of my body), I want to slowly add more exercise, as I go. Since it’s showing signs that spring has sprung here in Michigan, we are going to go outside and clean the yard, plant some flowers for grandma, and after Easter I will get a bicycle. I figure I will use all the money I am not spending on sweets and fast food to buy it :). I am getting the girls ribbon dancers, jump ropes and one of those rings that has a ball at the end you can jump over for Easter; my hope is that by summer’s end I will be able to have the endurance to do it with them.
I don’t say all this to bore you or lead you off the original question, but it seems to be all tying in together for me.
What is your dosage? If it seems like you are starting to feel more nauseated than not; after a couple weeks I would recommend talking to your doctor about lowering the dosage. Until then, try more fluids water and stuff with nutrients (smoothies, protein shakes, etc.) for every other meal. it will work them in.
I have been taking phentermine on and off for 5 years and i have lost over 200lbs my starting weight was 389 n now I’m down to175 i take it in the am n feel great all day i love this pill its amazing i had no type of surgery or nething jst ate only1200 calories a day n I’ve dne great
have you been doing any exercises? i just started my pill april 1st and am looking to loose over 100 pounds
I don’t understand, My doctor told me this was a jump start to a good diet, so it can’t be used for longer than 3 months because of a plateau..
why 5 years?
You can take the pill for a three month time. Then you have to take a few weeks off before starting again so that’s probably what they did
Because you get addicted to it
I’ve been taking phentermine for two weeks now and feel great my only concern is, is it Ok to drink tea occasionally with my food. I’m just curious that way I know if I need to avoid it along with soda waters. Thanks
I have been drinking iced tea every day. I just drink it VERY watered down, because I was warned not to drink too much coffee because of the caffeine, but I can’t live without my tea. So by making it more watered down, and using more ice, it seems to be a happy compromise. I have been on it for a week and with combined diet change, the extra energy and extra fluids, I have lost 9 pounds!
Hi im from australia and have been prescribed duromine, I had a huge hormone imbalance which made me gain 21.5 kgs in less than two months. I was on duromine for 2 weeks and it seemed to be working, ( other medication related to hormones as well) but k had to stop for a few weeks whilst I had an operation, I’ve started it again the last few days, and don’t feel the same effects, I take it in the morning, have a healthy cereal and a banana for breakfast, but two hours later I’m starving again. Is phentermine available in australia without perscription? I’m a chef and work a lot of hours, have Been watching what I eat and the times I eat like crazy for the last month ( which is so hard on my job lol) any info on phen for Aussies and f it’s legal would be great!
Hey there Lisa, Thanks for the comment 🙂
I would say that the effects seem different the second time around because your body may have started to get used to the Duromine. I am in no way giving medical advice, however this is my first thought, as anyone who takes any kind of phentermine diet pill eventually becomes immune to it and it stops working. I think you should give it a few more days and see if it is any more effective, and if not, speak to your doctor.
Duromine actually is a phentermine-based diet pill, so yes. You really can’t buy any phentermine, anywhere, without a doctor prescription – So be careful of brands that say you can!
You could most likely help the effectiveness of Duromine by eating certain foods, regular exercise and using an additional supplement. We have recently started promoting a phentermine alternative called Phen Caps, it does not contain phentermine, but has the same effects (suppresses appetite, cravings and increases energy). It is used instead of phentermine, with phentermine (to increase results) or after the phentermine prescription is done. It has been giving good results so far, so maybe it would be good for you as well. Here is the website, if you’re interested: https://www.phen.com/
I hope this helps, Let me know if there is anything else I can help you with!
When is the best time to take phentermine and how? I’ve been taking this medication for 2 months and I have not lost a pound. I’m doing all the right things so maybe I’m not taking it correctly. Any help would be very appreciated! Thank You
Hey there Jennifer, Your doctor will tell you when to take it when you get the prescription, so you should always follow the doctors orders. But, generally, you take phentermine in the morning, and you simply just take the tablet with water. That is very strange you have not lost anything after 2 months, it could be for many different reasons to be honest, so it is best you speak to your doctor! Make sure you are eating healthy, low-calorie and doing exercise, you could also introduce an alternative with the phentermine, to increase the results. We now recommend one called Phen Caps, so you can look into that here if you like: https://www.phentermine.com/phen-caps/
Let me know if this helps, and remember, the best thing is for you to see your doctor and let him know its not effective. Thanks for the comment! Let me know if there is anything else I can help with 🙂
I started the Phentermine last year with Prozac, and wanted to know if the two are safe together, only side effect I had was hair loss, does this happen. But I lost weight a lot.
Hey there Ethel, I can only recommend that you ask your doctor about that, you should never take advice on mixing prescription drugs from anyone except your doctor or a medical professional. There are so many factors involved that only they can identify, so for your own health and safety, give him/her a call!
It does make sense. I’ve begun to eat scrambled eggs for breakfast, which is difficult bc I don’t have a appetite:-/
I’m also taking Topiramate w/ phen, have you heard of anyone else taking the two together?
I don’t exercise due to disability, so I actually thought the smoothies would be enough, being I don’t burn calories. Its all still new to me and when I was younger, I could drop weight no problem. Being 46 & disabled has really done me in when it comes to losing weight.
Yes, it is definitely hard to make yourself eat, especially in the morning, however, breakfast is so important, especially when trying to lose weight! Scrambled eggs are a great item to eat, eggs are a true superfood when it comes to weight loss! With regards to Topiramate with phentermine, yes I have heard of that. You may be interested in this page about Qsymia (a 2-in-1 pill of phen + topiramate).
I totally understand how difficult it must be for you to accomplish your goal weight with having a disability, that must be so frustrating! I know a lot of people in the Facebook group have the same issue, so you should really join (if you haven’t already), you can get a lot of support and advice there!
I am taking phentermine and topiramate after steadily gaining weight after my gallbladder was removed- despite HEAVY rigorous workout 5 days a week (yes..and im not lying about the rigorous or the frequency.) my diet was fantastic- and I was gaining rapidly. at a rate of 10 lbs a every month and a half! the combination helped me to shed about 25 lbs and a lot of inches. I am a 32 year old female, my gallbladder was removed 5 years ago. I had never had a problem weight weight before, it’s a constant struggle now. I have to cycle 3 months on, 3 months off. do you have to cycle it? Even though you have no appetite- you have to eat. eat about 1/2 an hour after you take the phentermine in the morning. take the phentermine with a big glass of water. I try to get my calories in as early as I can as I lose my appetite as the day goes on and by lunch/dinner I don’t want anything.
It’s a weird feeling!!
I also recently had my gallbladder removed. Since, i have gained a total of 26 lbs. Absolutely, horrible things as it was be in excruciating pain or be over weight. How long have you been on the phentermine?I just started marking a month today. I tried it about 2 years ago but only took a weeks worth disliking the side effects. Being on it for a month, I have went from 164 to 148 which blew my mind as i have worked out, tried that garcinia stuff, it works wraps, juicing, zumba and running, still unable to get under 160. I know you can not be on it long, so im wondering when you cycle the medication. Do you have an increase in weight once stopping?
I’ve been on this diet pill, as well as Top I Ramate. Dr said the “combination of the two, will help increase my wt loss.”
I’ve been taking both, drinking tons of water and I’m a fresh fruit and vegetable smoothie girl. Solid foods do not appeal to me at all.
Question? I have only lost 2 pounds in a month, is that normal?
Hey there Sherry, It is hard to judge as everyone loses weight at different speeds, however if on phentermine, 2 lbs in one month seems very small. One thing that comes to mind right away, is if you are just eating smoothies then you are surely not getting enough calories each day, or protein. Smoothies are great, but you should be eating solid foods as well, otherwise that is just unhealthy. I would say to add whey protein powder to your smoothies and incorporate more solid calories, generally it is recommended that you eat around 1200 calories per day. If you are eating too few, it will just slow down your metabolism and you will lose weight much slower. You could also look into other supplements to take with phentermine, like Phen Caps. Make sense?
I’ve been on Phentermine for 9 days now. My starting weight was 200lbs and today I am 191.8lbs. I don’t feel like I’ve lost weight tho. I’ve been drinking over a gallon of water a day and having to use the restroom a lot. Am I just losing water weight?
Hi Rannie,
You’ve lost nearly 9lbs in 9 days, and that is a huge amount – well done! It’s not possible to lose that much fat in such a short space of time so some of that is water weight, but this is a good thing – once your body gets rid of the water weight, as long as you keep on drinking lots of water (like you should, to keep your body well hydrated) then it’s gone for good. Keep up the good work!
Sally, phentermine.com
I just got my first 30 pills for 1st time and gonna start taking them in morning. Someone told me I should take them about 10 am. I am up by 5am every morning and go for a 2 to 3 mile run. Come home and take kids to school then eat 3 over easy eggs and 1 to 2 cups, of coffee. I’m out the door by 830 to be at work at 9am. Any suggestions on what time I should take these pills since I’m just gonna start tomorrow. Thanks for all input
Hi Joe,
Most people find that taking phentermine as soon as you wake up is best – the earlier the better, due to its tendency to cause insomnia. Taking phentermine at 10am seems too late – we would recommend taking them at 5am when you get up, and you will probably feel an energy boost for your morning run!
Sally, phentermine.com
Thanks you Sally for your input. I’m gonna try this in morning. The last 2 day I do my morning routine. Then go to work and I feel like I’m constantly watching the clock so I won’t pass the 10 am time. So I will try what u said thanks again for your input
Hi I just started the combination of phentermine 37.5mg and topiramate 100mg today under the care of my doctor. My goal is to lose 100 pounds (starting weight 250- goal is 150). This morning after starting the combination I got really nauseous and threw up a few times and have had a few other side effects, has any one else had this happen?? Also I’m not hungry at all! Like even the thought of eating makes me want to throw up, I haven’t had anything to eat all day and I’m not one bit hungry. Is this normal??? I have been pushing water so that I don’t get dehydrated. What is a normal day of eating while taking these medicines? Should I be eating? Should I not be eating? I’m just a little confused as to what’s the best thing I should be doing for the best results. Thanks!!
you should take the pills 1 hour before breakfast early in the morning for best results.
What is top l ramate
Hi Robyn,
Topiramate is prescribed for a variety of conditions, including as a means of counteracting the weight gain associated with numerous anti-depressants, and recent trials indicate that topiramate may have mood-stabilizing properties which can control certain unwanted behaviors and tendencies. It has also been investigated for use in treating various addictions and treating obesity by means of reducing binge eating. It is one of the active ingredients in the phentermine combination Qsymia and is also prescribed separately alongside phentermine to increase effectiveness.
Sally, phentermine.com
Where can I purchase topiramate?
Hi Mae,
Topiramate is a prescription-only medication so you would have to speak to your doctor about getting it.
Sally, phentermine.com