Will Phentermine Show Up On A Drug Test?
One concern for many people taking phentermine is that phentermine is said to give a false-positive result on an employment drug test.
In response to the many questions, we’re asked about phentermine and drug tests, here we explain more about the drug screening process, why phentermine can give a positive result, and how to avoid these causing problems with your employer.
Keep reading, or check out the infographic below, to learn more about phentermine showing up on a drug test.
What Does The Drug Test Look For?
The most common drug test method is urinalysis, which will most typically test for five categories of illegal substances. Known as a 5-panel drug screening, this test looks for evidence of THC, Opiates, PCP, Cocaine, and Amphetamines.
Drug testing is an action an employer or prospective employer can take to determine if employees or job applicants are using drugs.
Rather than acting as a test of impairment or whether recent behavior is the result of drug use, employment drug tests are implemented to create a safe working environment for all employees. Workplace drug testing aims to deter employees or potential employees from taking drugs, identify and help employees with drug and/or alcohol problems, protect the general public, and comply with employment laws and regulations.
In the event of a positive result in both the initial and confirmation tests, the medical review officer (MRO) then reviews the results and contacts the individual to ensure that there are no medical or other reasons for the result. It is only at this point that the MRO may report the results to the employer.
Certain medications can cause a false-positive result on the drug test. If this is the case and the employee can verify that he or she has been prescribed the medication and is taking it as instructed, then the test is reported as negative.
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Will Phentermine Show Up On A Drug Test?

Phentermine can show up on a drug test as a false positive for amphetamine. Although phentermine is not an amphetamine, its chemical structure is similar to that of amphetamine, meaning that phentermine can give a false-positive result for amphetamine in a 5-panel drug screening urinalysis.
However, following the information above, with evidence of your prescription from the doctor who prescribed your phentermine, the result should be declared negative.
A key factor is that you have to have been taking it as directed, so this is another reason to be sure to follow the prescription and not to take more than directed by your doctor.
If you have been taking more than the recommended dosage, then excess levels of phentermine might raise questions for the MRO reviewing the positive result.
Although phentermine is not an illegal drug, it is a controlled substance, listed on page 12 of the Drug Enforcement Agency’s January 2016 List of Controlled Substances, and can only be legally obtained by prescription.
If you cannot provide a prescription to explain the presence of phentermine in your system following a drug test, then this would be considered illegal usage, and the MRO may insist that the positive result stands.
If you know that your employer may request a drug test during the duration of your phentermine prescription, then in some circumstances, it may be better to inform your direct supervisor that you are taking phentermine and to provide proof of your prescription before a drug test. This will avoid you having to retrospectively disclose that you are taking phentermine and the possibility of a false-positive reading being declared to your employer.
How Long Does Phentermine Stay In Your System?
Phentermine should not be detectable in the urine after a period of around four or seven days. Although this varies depending on the person and their urinary pH, phentermine (Adipex) has a half-life of about 16-31 hours under normal conditions. It may, however, be detectable for longer if you were taking more than prescribed or used phentermine for a long time.
Due to confusion between phentermine and the now-banned weight-loss medication Fen-Phen, as well as a general misunderstanding of what phentermine does, many phentermine users choose to keep phentermine a secret. Therefore, it is not surprising that some people may prefer not to disclose that they are taking phentermine to their employer.
To avoid the possibility of a false-positive result, if you are aware that you will have a drug test soon, you may prefer to stop taking phentermine for a few days.
If you’re concerned about a false-positive result on a drug test due to phentermine, then another option is to take a phentermine alternative such as PhenQ instead of phentermine. PhenQ will not show up on a drug test as they do not contain ingredients similar to amphetamine, so you can benefit from the appetite-suppressing effects and energy boost without worrying about failing an employment drug test.
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Frequently Asked Questions
What is the half-life of phentermine?
The half-life of phentermine is around 16 to 31 hours. However, the drug’s half-life will vary depending on each person’s metabolism and the pH of their urine.
How long does phentermine stay in your urine?
Generally, phentermine will no longer be detected in the urine 4 to 7 days after the last dose was taken. However, the detection period could be longer if phentermine has been taken at a high dose or for a long time.
What does phentermine show up as on a drug test?
Phentermine can show up on a drug test as a false positive for amphetamine. This is because, despite being different drugs, phentermine and amphetamine have a similar chemical structure.
If you can provide your employer with evidence that phentermine has been prescribed for you, then a positive result for amphetamine should be declared a false positive.
Can I get fired for taking phentermine?
If you take phentermine without a prescription, your employer may view this as illegal usage of the drug. This could result in disciplinary action.
Phentermine is not illegal, but it is a controlled substance. This means it should only be taken if you have a prescription.
Will phentermine show up on a military drug test?
Phentermine may show up as a false positive on a military drug test as it might register on an initial urine screening test for amphetamines. If this happens, another analysis will be conducted for confirmation. Phentermine will not cause a positive result on the confirmation drug test or be reported as positive through the military drug-testing program.
In 2018, the Defense Health Agency (DHA) added four generic weight-loss medications to its pharmacy formulary, including phentermine. The idea is to make more FDA-approved weight-loss therapies available to TRICARE patients but also give active duty personnel struggling with weight some alternatives for meeting standards. The documentation notes that “Active Duty Service Members requiring a weight loss drug should be enrolled in a Service-Specific Health and Wellness Program and must follow individual service policies.”
Will phentermine show up on urinalysis?
If you have taken phentermine, a urinalysis performed to screen for drugs may give a false-positive result for amphetamine. This is because of the chemical similarities between the two drugs.
However, if you can provide evidence that a doctor has prescribed phentermine for you, the result should be declared a false positive.
How can I pass a urine drug test for phentermine?
If you take phentermine, it is advisable to provide your employer with a copy of your prescription before you take the drug test. This proves that you are taking a controlled substance in the manner it was prescribed, avoiding the need for an explanation if the test should return a positive result.
How long does Labcorp take to provide urine results?
Labcorp aims to complete urine testing within a few days, but result delivery times for more complex tests may take longer. However, all tests are usually completed within two weeks.
If you request testing as an individual, your results can be accessed by logging into your Labcorp patient portal account. If your employer requests a drug test, the results will be sent directly to them.
Will Labcorp call you if you fail a drug test?
No, Labcorp will not call you if you fail a drug test. A drug test that detects an illegal substance will either be reported on your patient portal account or sent directly to your employer.
However, Labcorp may call you if they require you to provide a second urine sample, for example, if the first sample was contaminated or invalid for another reason.
How long will phentermine be detectable on a hair drug test?
Phentermine may still be detected in a hair drug test even if you have not taken phentermine for a month or longer. When comparing blood, urine, and hair drug testing, phentermine remains detectable for the longest period of time in the hair.
Does phentermine show up on a 10-panel drug test?
Phentermine may be erroneously categorized as amphetamine as part of the 10-panel drug test, as testing for amphetamine forms part of this particular test. Amphetamine and the other drugs screened for in a 10-panel test are chosen as they are the most commonly misused drugs in the USA.
The panel also includes cannabis, cocaine, barbiturates, opioids, benzodiazepines, phencyclidine (PCP), methaqualone, methadone, and propoxyphene.
Is Adipex a narcotic?
In countries including France, Adipex is considered to be a narcotic. However, in the USA, generic and branded phentermine (such as Adipex) belongs to a group of drugs called sympathomimetics or CNS stimulants.
Is phentermine meth?
No, phentermine is not meth. Phentermine is an isomer of methamphetamine or meth. This means that the two substances are made up of the same atoms, but the atoms are arranged completely differently.
This difference is very important, as it gives the drugs different properties. Despite sharing the same group of atoms, the structure of phentermine makes it far less potent than methamphetamine.
Will Topamax show up on a drug test?
Most drug tests do not test for topiramate or its metabolites. It is, therefore, unlikely that Topamax (the brand name for topiramate) would show up on drug testing.
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Hello I took axcion phentremina from Mexico with a prescription from there. I took it for about 8days. I will have a drug test some time next week. Will phentremine come up as a positive after being off it for about 12 days?
Hi Jay! It probably won’t show-up in your urine, but it may still show in other forms of testing. Either way, be prepared to show the prescription since speed of metabolism & elimination varies between people and depending on a variety of other factors.
Rachel, phentermine.com
Hello will phetermine pill show up on mouth swab test. My last pill was yesterday at 10 am .. i have drug test today at 1
Can taking more than the prescribed amount of phentermine male u fail a test?
Hi Jim, yes – phentermine is chemically similar to amphetamines, so taking any amount of phentermine may result in a positive drug test. If you take more than prescribed, it is more likely to show up for longer. Be prepared to show your prescription just in case.
Please note: for safety reasons, you should NEVER take phentermine more often, or at a higher dosage than prescribed by your doctor.
Rachel, phentermine.com
I just need to know if this 30 mg phentermine will show up in a hair test as I don’t have a prescription For it I been taking one a day to lose weight for about two weeks and I just got called today for a job on a rig and they do hair test now I’m worried
Hi Rudy. Yes, it’s very possible that the phentermine would show up in a hair test if you have been taking it everyday for 2 weeks.
Rachel, phentermine.com
What happen with your results? I’ve been off phentermine for 2 months and have a hair follicle and I’m worried. I don’t have a script for it.
I was taking Phentermine 37.5mg for about a month or 2. Since then I was put on Probation and they asked me to stop taking it due to a positive amphetamine panel in my urine. I havent been taking it for a whole month now and its still showing up in my urine. This past week my amphetamine level even spiked up and I honestly haven’t taken not one dose. Why is it that this is happening?
I was taking Phentermine 37.5 , for about 1 week ( skipping 1 or 2 days through out ) . I then took a urine test , which tests for 17 different illegal drugs and parscription.medsp .
I hadn’t taken the Phentermine from Sunday @ 11 am, to Wednesday at 4 pm …. So, about 77 hours off them. I’m worried , Yes I have a script but I do not want it to show up or have to explain. I obviously will, if needed . Amphetamines are cleared from urine, in about 3 days . Is there a difference with the Phentermine and the amphetamine that way ( I’ve saw it saw ” 4-7 days for phen” ) .
Phentermine can indeed take up to 7 days to flush out of your system. There’s no hard, fast rule about how long it takes because it varies, depending on factors such as time under phentermine treatment, age, etc.
We hope everything turns out right!
I don’t see why there would be a problem with pre-employment drug screening if the medication is prescribed. I was screened for my current job and many times prior as required by all facilities when I was going to college and never had a problem. They used a 12-panel drug screen. I was taking phentermine, tramadol, and ambien (not all at the same time). I never received a call to verify my scripts but now there is registry for all controlled substances that a provider can access to determine what meds have been prescribed, by which doctor, which pharmacy filled the script on what dates, and the exact dose prescribed of all meds filled in the past 12 months. I work in healthcare and have easily verified scripts with this system to determine if the patient has the med prescribed or is using illegally.
I recall years ago when I was under a doctor’s supervision while taking Phentermine, I was unexpectedly rushed to the hospital due to an allergic reaction from an insect bite (not Phentermine!). My urinalysis tested “positive” for the drug and I recall the nurse telling me “we have a problem” meaning the Phentermine had shown up in the test. She questioned me and I told her I was taking it under a doctor’s care. She didn’t go any further by asking me to provide proof from the doctor, but I supposed she could have. So I would say if you are taking it, yes it will be a “red flag” to a prospective employer unless you prove it is legal. If found illegally, you probably could be fined or arrested. I know it sounds ridiculous, but the law is the law. So if you take a drug test, be aware the test WILL find this substance.
I’ve taken a dope 37.5mg for 2 months,my last one was taken a week ago.I test weekly and it’s never shown up,but I’ve also let them know and see my script. However my primary doctor tested me two weeks ago sent it to lab and found it…she was upset because I’d went to another doctor/dietician to get them as she refused to after a script of one month.She told me if I tested positive again she’d stop all my other meds which are all non narcotic.Im very upset as she is trying to tell me I cannot see her if I see other doctors.Shes only a practicioner.Is she breaking medical laws?I pay all out of pocket to see my dietician.
Hi April – Your doctor may be concerned about the possibility of dangerous drug combinations if you’re receiving prescription medications from different physicians, especially when she specifically refused to prescribe phentermine. She may also be worried that you’re still taking phentermine if she had a specific reason for halting your prescription. So, we would suggest speaking with her about your phentermine use (both why she doesn’t want you to take it and why you do want to take it) to see if you can reach some sort of mutual understanding. Best wishes!
Rachel, phentermine.com
Hi, I have been on phentermine for 3 months. we all get dropped regularly at work because of the work we do. On random 5 panel tests and on ones sent to the lab, neither have come back positive for amphetamines, which is great! It also makes me wonder though after reading all these posts. I have lost 34lbs, which is even more awesome, but why is it not showing up, if others do? I take my pill every morning before I leave for work at 5am. What are your thoughts on this? Could I be getting fake pills from my doctor?
That is surprising. I’m wondering if it showed up because u took them for a while? I may have had 3 in my life. 2 over 90 days ago and one 28 days prior to my test. Guess I’ll find out when I return in 3 months.
I’m perscribed phentermine 37.5 mg daily & have taken as perscribed for approximately 3 months daily. As I lost my desired weight I started to taper the phentermine approximately once to twice a week for approximately 1-2 months. I’ve taken ABSOLUTELY NO phentermine for over a month (I actually believe 2 months. But not 100% sure). I took a pre-employment drug screen with a false positive amphetamine result! I now have to share my phentermine prescription with my potential new employer! Imagine my SURPRISE & EMBARRASSMENT! I wasn’t prepared for my explanation because I’d forgotten all about taking the medication (it had been so long). I really don’t understand why it showed up in the slightest.
I take phentermine I have for a long time this is the first time I tested positive for amphetamine. I take losartan metformin Gabapentin and Zantac when their doctor called to ask me about my prescriptions I told him which ones I had and he told me that none of those could test positive for amphetamine and my job is now on the line I have been suspended
I have a valid prescription for phentermine and am prepared to bring my medicine with me to the lab in the morning as proof. However, as I was reading the comments I saw alot of questions about taking 1/2 A day … I am on 2 daily – is there a level that is considered a “pass” or “fail” with a prescription? Or are they just concerned with ensuring you are taking them legally? I was thinking I wouldn’t have any delays or issues but I didn’t realize people took such varying amounts.
Hi Genny, thanks for your comment! We can’t speak to your company’s specific policies, but in general drug tests are given to determine the presence of illegal substances in your system. So, if you have a valid prescription you should be okay – regardless of your prescribed schedule/dosage. Often times people that take one pill per day are on a higher dose pill (e.g. 37.5mg), while those who take phentermine multiple times per day use lower dose pills. To learn more about different phentermine dosages/schedules, check out this page.
Rachel, phentermine.com
I took a phentermine Tuesday I took a random drug urine test today (Friday) I’m so worry if be coming positive?
Hi Mary. Although it can vary depending on the person, phentermine should not be detectable in the body after a period of around four to seven days, but will likely show-up if you take a drug test before that. So, be prepared to show proof of prescription in case there are signs of amphetamines in your system.
Rachel, phentermine.com
I had taken phentermine a week ago then off for a week, then I took one on Saturday, today is Sunday. I will have an upcoming drug screening for new employment this week. Should I worry about it showing up? I am prescribed by a doctor but I would rather not have my new employer know reguardless.
Hi Sarah! That’s very understandable. Although it can vary depending on the person, phentermine should not be detectable in the urine after a period of around four or seven days, but will likely show-up if you take a drug test before that. So depending when your drug screening is this week, the likelihood varies. Regardless, be prepared to show proof of prescription in case there are signs of amphetamines in your system.
Rachel, phentermine.com
What are the chances of getting a false positive reading after being off of Phentermine for 45 days?
Hi Alex, the chances are pretty low. Although it can vary depending on the person, phentermine should not be detectable in the urine after a period of around four or seven days
Rachel, phentermine.com
I took a phentermine to at 8 and had to take a UA today at 4 will it show up in my unrine
Hi Nana, yes – it’s possible it will. Be prepared to show your prescription just in case.
Rachel, phentermine.com
I have taken 3 drug tests in the months I’ve been on Phentermine and all 3 have come up positive for amphetamines. I’ve never taken a “real” amphetamine in my life. There are many medications that can cause false positives for many different drugs (Tylonal, Benedryl, anti-depressiants, etc), but these false positives happen few and far between. From my experience, I’d say you can almost expect to come up positive for amphetamines on the initial urine test if you’ve taken Phentermine within the past few days, but I’ve never had it tested further with GC/MS.
I have taken a few drug test over the period of 2 years Both pre employment and random. 2 times I was on phentermine. Both times they never raised questions. In my opinion, if you take it as directed and have a prescription for it, you should be okay. Some companies have a list of prescription drugs that they ban from any employee using while at work. So weather or not you have a prescription they can legally terminate you as long as they have a contract or employee handbook signed by you stating you read and agree with all in the book. Some people choose not to read those and when it comes to being fired they claim they didn’t know. Hope this helps you out. If you have any concerns about what you can take while at work, simply ask for the list of drugs that banned from your company.